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Darrell Lea in voluntary administration

Confectionary company and newsagency supplier Darrell Lea has been placed in voluntary administration.  Depending on what happens with their products this could leave a confectionary void in some newsagencies.

Darrell Lea lost their way, in my view, by going into supermarkets and petrol & convenience a few years ago and by playing with their traditional product packaging and recipes. Their corporate deal with Terry White Chemists a year back also seemed odd given the challenge to existing retail relationships.

The appointment of administrators overlays the future of the business with a formal process which many of us will watch with interest.

Anyone want to buy an iconic brand?


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  1. Gregg

    We sacked Darrell Lea as a supplier over 18 months ago, we had to many problems with supply being substitued in some cases and damaged stock. We felt they perseved themselves as a premium product and charged according when they won t. We really noticed a decline in product, sevice and attitude over a 2 year period.


  2. Robert

    Sad day for licorice lovers


  3. Brett

    Its going to be a Rocky Road ahead (sorry)


  4. Mark Fletcher

    Yes Robert. If only they didn’t muck with the liquorice all sort recipe some years ago.


  5. Luke

    I wonder if getting into bed with supermarkets was the death bell for DL or was it the only way they thought they could survive and it backfired, it seemd that their quality dropped around the same time as they appeared on the supermarket shelves as well as the service to the small operators.


  6. Derek

    The brand is good. I am suprised by the poll at the moment with a yes vote leading. It is worth doing the due dilligence if their is enough interest.


  7. Mike

    I believe they sold there products too cheaply…and some of there packaging was terrible… just hold up a pack of choc Almonds…Looks empty. Biggest mistake for mine was lack of advertising…


  8. Nerissa

    We sell LOTS of DL in our store. However it doesn’t surprise me that they have gone belly up. I do hope it stays as ‘trading as usual’ and someone takes up the cause as it would definitely leave a gap in our takings. They have extremely antiquated ordering, handling and delivery systems, which result in continuous problems. So what else are they (or were they) still doing that has left them behind…?


  9. David

    It would be a good brand for newsagents to own and control as their own (UPS)


  10. Bruce

    not enough margin in it’s current form, and too much trouble, so is it a good idea for newsagents to own it? Maybe the BRAND itseld would be a good buy though.


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