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Darrell Lea administration drives sales

I was in a Darrell Lea outlet late yesterday and the staff commented that it had not been this busy with their products for ages. he said some people were buying to support the company and others were buying to get a last taste of their favourite items.

While the circumstances are not ideal the sales lift will be appreciated by Darrell Lea outlets including mine.

Meanwhile newsagents – don’t forget our survey.


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  1. Kate Groom

    Not a great surprise that marketing (or at least news) raises attention. Perhaps this might alert us to the idea that putting a display in a shop these days doesn’t necessarily guarantee something will sell. (Though it may generate a commission cheque for the person who placed the display, so they are happy). I see a lot of these type of product displays taking up space, badly stocked, and not well promoted by sales people. As consumers need more prompting to open their wallets these days, many retail sales people will need to become better at inviting ‘add on sales’. The product manufacturers and their customers will benefit from helping their customers do better with promotion and selling. Opportunity galore, if business owners and manufacturers/suppliers will take it on. Don’t hold your breath for future of DL, but meanwhile promote it! Great opportunity to build relationships with customers.


  2. Peter

    Yep sold at least 4 times the regular amount. Just proves the old adage “any publicity is good publicity”.


  3. allan wickham

    DL is going Gangbusters today…….!!!!


  4. Peter

    Yep a chance to clean out the stand and hopefully restock with fresh Darrell and or a look alike if the Darrell is unavailable. The point is to keep my stand stocked for the last 2 tears I have increasingly come to rely on a look alike. Darrell Lee brought this on themselves by not supplying their agents instead forcing the agents to go elsewhere if they wished to maintain their business. Also its refusal to come to an agreed contract arrangement with its agents mid last year. IE. Its agents are now free to buy and deal in what they like and some some are doing it to maintain and try and grow their businesses.


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