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Pre Christmas rush checklist

I know this blog is visited by many new newsagents so primarily for them, here is a brief list of what you need to be doing or have done by now for Christmas and other this-time-of-the-year opportunities.

  1. Boxed Christmas cards out. On a table. Tidy every day. Don’t discount.
  2. Christmas ribbon out near your boxed cards.
  3. Initial range of wrap out.
  4. Basic selection of Christmas single cards out.
  5. Christmas crackers out.
  6. Calendars out, especially Australian.
  7. Kris Kingle gifts ready to go out.
  8. Teachers gifts out.
  9. Graduation gifts and cards out.
  10. Make sure you have all your Christmas gifts and Christmas ornaments ordered.
  11. Make sure you have plenty of cardboard for end of year school projects.
  12. Create a plan for November 1 through December 26.Know what goes where and the necessary transitions. Delegate tasks to ensure this is done and your shop looks full and enticing.

I’m sure others will add to the list via comments.

Newsagency management

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  1. Allan Wickham

    Geez, is it just me or is Xmas getting put out earlier and earlier as the years go by? Didnt we used to go out on the 1st November, straight after Halloween? I suppose the Majors will have hot cross buns out on the 1st December…..


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Allan in the Philippines they have a BER rule. The first month ending in BER is when Christmas starts. Yep, SeptemBER. Imagine how it feels seeing massive Christmas displays and hearing carols playing on September 1. Blew my mind!


  3. Jenny

    As my mother says, Christmas is all over in a day.
    But wow what a build up for one day!


  4. Jonathan Wilson

    I think I saw a MYER store putting out xmas stuff in late August.
    Its getting ridiculous.


  5. Jamie Cammell

    Take the mind numbing water torture effect of having that same old Xmas CD on loop and spread some REAL Christmas cheer with the PROFESSIONALLY PROGRAMMED MUSIC offered all year round by newsagents ON AIR.

    This year, selective Christmas music featuring contemporary artists with the classics we all know and love (ok- that may be a bit subjective!) commences at a gentle rate of one track per hour from 1st December, with a gradual increase within the popular mix of greatest hits and best songs of all time leading up to the last week of Christmas trading.

    This is a great opportunity to subscribe to newsagents ON AIR, the radio station for newsagents!

    The perfect balance to show the festive spirit while staying sane at the same time.

    Hi to all the subscribing newsagents in the fire affected areas- we’ll continue to keep you up to date with our hourly news bulletins and keep those messages of support coming through to onair@newsagentsonair.com.au.


  6. Jamie Cammell

    Oh one more thing!

    We’ve been getting lots of comments and questions about THIS song that has been played on newsagents ON AIR for the past few weeks.

    Brisbane based Terry Clark was a FIFO miner who hung up his hard hat to pursue a music career.

    He sent in his CD into newsagents ON AIR and we gave it a few spins, and now we’ve heard the song has been picked up by a few other radio stations, including in the USA.

    Now with his first album launched, the single ‘CHRISTMAS- I’M COMING HOME’ is now out with a video clip.

    newsagents ON AIR is proud to support Australian music.



  7. rick

    staff and customers all love the newsxpress radio station, keep up the good work


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