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Consistency needed on newspaper promo coupons

IMG_0445We take collecting coupons for newspaper promotions seriously in the newsagency, even when we are not required to pass the coupon back to the distributing agent for the publisher.

The coupon is part of the transaction, as it says on the coupon itself.

What do you think.

It frustrates me when people come in asking for the offer, in this case the Footy Powers 3 game card pack, and expecting us to sell them the pack without the coupon.

One customer last week yelled at us saying every other newsagent gives them to us  without the coupon. When they said this I realised the inconsistency in the channel was a bad look for us.

What is the point of the coupon if every newsagent does not always collect?

I’d prefer News Corp. to resolve this for us, to stop requiring the coupons and stop printing this as a requirement – especially when we don’t have to hand the coupon back. Otherwise, the inconsistency continues and we all look like disorganised fools.

Newsagency management

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  1. Colin

    I agree. By getting the customer to arrive the shop asking for the item advertised, the promotion has achieved its primary aim. Insisting on the customer producing a scrap of paper is juvenile.


  2. David@anglevalenews

    I always require coupons from those who purchase the paper elsewhere or who have it home delivered. I do not clip coupons from papers I sell.

    I think that is a fair trade off. Imagine the scenes with the last coin promo if we just sold coins to anyone who came in and asked for them.


  3. Glenn

    I don’t insist on coupons simply because the value put on our time and effort by News does not make it worthwhile. They continue to refuse to remunerate us fairly and expect us to fund the costs of administering the promotion.

    We make 7.5% on the sales of the items – eg coins – so to sell 2 coins a week over 6 weeks requires 6x more effort and staff time than if I just sell the lot in one go. My primary aim is to sell as many as I can in as few transactions as possible because this is the only way I can make it viable to do.

    If, however, I was paid a rate that was fair and I could make money on each of the individual transactions then I would follow their “rules” quite happily. Whilst they use my labour and retail estate to their own benefit with no regard to my needs, I am not interested.


  4. Bill

    I gave up on this “friction” activity long ago.


  5. Jenny

    Every promo there is always those customers who want item but don’t want to buy paper.
    We stamp coupon if paper bought in our store (quicker than cutting out), if 7 day home delivery we don’t ask for coupon, every other customer must have coupon.
    If sold out of papers we send customer to Woolies to buy paper then we stamp it when they come back.
    Have never sent coupons back, and never collect them from sub agents but if we heard they were selling promo without paper we would take action to prevent them participating in next promotion.



    Woolies and Coles don’t collect coupons


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