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Tips on handling Christmas early in retail

When should you put out Christmas? As soon as you get it is our view. You can’t sell stock that is not out. So, get it out and in front of people.

Build toward Christmas.Change your displays as you go, as more stock arrives.

To manage shop floor room, offer and early sale. Consider an earlybird sale. However, if you do this, run it for a limited time. Call it an earlybird sale. Promote it on Facebook.

What sells early? Boxed cards, absolutely. These are followed by a mixture of items, depending on what shoppers in your area look for.

When should you dress the shop for Christmas?  We suggest December or late November. Dressing the shop is different to when you start selling items for Christmas.

When should you start to play Christmas music? We suggest two weeks before. The music is what seems to annoy people the most.


Christmas cheer preview night. Put on some drinks and finger food and let people come in for a closed-door event where you show off Christmas items and make money.  This should be done early – before other retailers.

Christmas card writing party. Boxed card deals. Setup tables. People buy cards, write them, drink and have a laugh.

Maker Christmas fun. This is harder work. Have an event showing people how to make Christmas decorations. Have deals in-store at the time. For this to work you must know what you plan to make and have the resources ready.

Christmas storytelling. This is more of a community event. You sponsor it. People come in and tell their most enjoyable Christmas story, in a group setting. Heart-warming. Fun. Local. Not too commercial but it could gently help drive sales.


Anyone complaining about putting Christmas out early can be a challenge. Be sure what you want to respond with. Train all who work in the business. You could say: people asked for it.  Or, we can’t ban Christmas. Or, Bah humbug. Or, people have been asking.

Attached to this advice is a flyer created by our Southland team showing the context they used for going out early with boxed cards.

Getting out early with Christmas matters as it establishes in the mind of regulars that you have product, which hopefully they remember when they are ready to purchase.

Newsagency management

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