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Covid safe retail advice for NSW newsagents

With the Covid surges in NSW causing concern, here is a modified version of advice I shared with Victorian retailers in June:
  1. Have hand sanitiser at the entrance to the shop and at the counter.
  2. Have all customer facing staff in masks.
  3. Acrylic screens at the counter are a big help.
  4. If you can trade outdoors at all, do so we know outside is safer.
  5. Check your in-store communication re social distancing.
  6. Maintain good cleaning practices using anti-bacterial wipes.
  7. Remind everyone working in the shop about hand washing.
  8. If you serve in an area where English is not a dominant first language, consider using the resources at this SBS for Covid information in many different languages are excellent.
  9. Consider this social media post: With Covid challenging again, it is important that we maintain a safe and healthy distance, wash our hands regularly, use hand sanitiser and stay home if we feel unwell or have any Covid symptom. here at the shop, we offer hand sanitiser, clean regularly and enforce social distancing. Let’s squash this thing, again.

Retail businesses like newsagencies are front line businesses. The safer you make it for your shoppers and the calmer your messaging the better you will trade through this.

Social responsibility

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  1. Graeme Day

    The very recent “outbreak” of COVID 19) in Northern Beaches Sydney NSW strated in an RSL Club at AVALON. Fortunately most Clubs if not all of them have a “sign in procedure. Membership Number -Visitor name and adress etc. The carrieer apparantlly was from O/s how is such, I don’t know.
    The carriers come from determined locations. Once contacted, they disclose there movements, such as who they visited etc. Woolworths for locals and which one etc. others same thing since, where they visited etc newsagent etc. This is the methodolodgy.
    Of the 28 so far carriers concerning the places visited only the base location so far has continuance with their original clientele. other places that have been visited have not …so far progreesed (for want of a better word) with further contanimation.
    Shops in surrounding areas are devasted trade wise . Newport Avalon, Mona Vale and the large shopping complexes forom Warriewood -Dee Why to Manly Wahroong have been affected.
    I spell this out as we sometimes get too complacent and this situatuation in Sydney is fresh. It’s also related to reality not NEWS I have mature family with grandchildren living in this area.
    Mark is saying to many of us that almost “broken record” is NOT so
    The warning is correct we will be complacent for my Son was flying out out to QLD tomorow to visit his Mother for Christmas, lockdown personal accommodation at his expense for 14 days yet he was only going there for 7 His firm (his company involvement ) had to cancel their Christmas party tonight.
    the over confidence has taken a set back -it will recover.
    The main point in this post is is you contiue to present a safe environment peploe will continue to support you . Boring and as complacent as we may feel about this disease if treated as such unfortunately will bite us.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    With the state government being soft in its response by, for example, asking people in Greater Sydney to stay home by not mandating it, it falls to the front line, like small business retailers, to be proactive. That is why this list matters. If I had shops in Sydney, I would be doing all this and more. Plus, I’d already be online offering delivered and easy pick up engagement.


  3. Graeme Day

    Blaming Governments is one thing the onus is on the individual.
    I didn’t bag the Victorian fiasco and I am supporting your post in regard to complacency which is our biggest enemy.
    just look at the deaths in Victoria compared to the whole of Australia. Very sad and very very slow to act on.
    i believe we neeed to co operate with each other Governments of both persuasions stuff iup from time to time. Ireally have little time for political calling as they are self interested people using the election as an advanced Auction of stolen Goods- Ours.


  4. Michael

    I’m in regional NSW and picked up on some of these tips last week. Customers reacted well. It made us feel better and prepared too. This is good advice.


  5. Steve

    All good advice Mark. I would also add to ensure all is documented in the COVID Safety plan which should be distributed and read by all staff members. Compliance check activities up my way have been pretty regular since June and I note a number of fines were handed out by the state government for non compliance. On a recent trip down to the Far South Coast I noticed a number of hospitality businesses were lacking. I say this with concern for the busy holiday season all but on us.


  6. Mark Fletcher

    I agree Steve. I’ve not checked the NSW requirements. in Vic. there was a protocol we have to follow for a CovidSafe workplace, which had provisions for retail.


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