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Tabcorp reviewing additional terminal approval process

Some retailers in line for an additional lottery terminal since mid 2020 have been wondering why they are yet to receive the much-needed additional terminal.

It turns our Tabcorp decided to review the process through which it assessed additional terminal requests. This decision to review stopped the sending of additional terminals that had already been approved.

In the meantime, there appears to be no delay to new location approvals. Hmm …


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  1. Steve

    I’m not sure why anyone would wan’t additional lottery terminals. Sure it increases lotteries turnover and the return to Tabcorp but has it ever increased the bottom line for a lotteries agent?


  2. Rui

    Tabcorp might think a new outlet is better than another terminal in that area


  3. Graeme Day

    or it maybe that TabCorp is preparing the Lotteries for sale as their current situation is that TabCorp lotteries are worth much more than they paid for it as well as their other Gaming income is fading and becoming the non-performer of the two. It stands to reason that if you have a prospective purchaser you would supspend all extra costs such as additional outlets or terminals, especially if it’s a done deal.
    If not there is one in the wind with Private Equity playing a major part.


  4. Graeme Day

    or adding new outlets should be a gain for the new purchaser- should be the completed sentence.


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