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Losing a magazine customer to subscription

I was on a flight from Brisbane to Melbourne yesterday and noticed the passenger next to me reading a magazine purchased from a newsagency using software from my company – the barcode label was the giveaway. While reading the magazine my fellow traveler took out the subscription card and started to fill it in. I couldn’t resist and asked why they would subscribe rather than buy at the newsagency. The answer was simple – because they like the title and the newsagent does not always have stock.

I talked about putaways and it appears that her particular newsagency is not a fan. Putaway magazines are not professionally labeled, there is no SMS message sent when a title comes in – in all the process turned her off using it. The title in question is small in circulation but there is not a problem getting supply. A good putaway service would have retained the customer.

My new friend completed the subscription form and planned to post it today.

The independence of newsagencies is a strength, for us as individuals, and a weakness, collectively. The lack of a national consistent putaway program must lose us customers every day if what I say of the flight yesterday is anything to go by.

I am sure the newsagent has their reasons for not pursuing putaways. My view is that there is no choice – putaways are unique to our channel, we own them. Any one of us not offering a professional putaway service weakens all newsagencies and leads to regular customers turning to subscriptions.


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  1. Luke

    Mark, putaways are a two edge sword, yes they are unique to our channel and are a great service IF we can get stock. This service turns into a nightmare for both customer and newsagent when the suppliers decide they no longer wish to supply us with adequate numbers to fill all our putaways. We cannot back order most of the time because we are told that the distributors are out of stock and when we chase up the publishers they push the customer into subsription because they can offer such huge discounts. A prime example of this is every part works for the last 2 years, they supply enough up to issue 4 then cut us off bar are token amount with no chance of filling back orders


  2. mark fletcher

    Luke I understand and share your frustration. I have blogged here extensively about this and am pleased that my blogging is leading to better results from NDD. Not all newsagents can or will blog and nor should they have to. On a day like today in my shop I see plenty to frustrate my but rather than letting it get me down I make a conscious decision to focus on the positive. It doesn’t always work but on a day like to day it does.



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