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Advice for newsagents re Mobius / Bill Express agreement

The QNF has sent information to its members yesterday about the communication newsagents have received from Mobius Financial Services Pty. Limited about the Bill Express equipment. Below is the information provided by the QNF.

As convenor of the NSW newsagent’s class action, NANA has received the following advice which we have forwarded on to Qld Newsagents:

  1. You are NOT required to keep making payments to anyone in relation to the equipment rental.
  2. The Mobius FAQ sheet is seriously misleading, deceptive and misstates the position.
  3. The claims by Mobius FAQ and the letter that the equipment rental company has assigned its rights may or may not be correct, but it is impossible to tell from the documentation. What has been said raises more questions that it provides answers. The assignment claim should at this stage be regarded as irrelevant.
  4. The current advice states that participants of the class action NOT make payments; if you wish to participate please contact us on (07) 3862 7100
  5. As we have said previously, if any party attempts to bring recovery action against any of our participant newsagents, the group will bring proceedings to protect their position. We think it is very unlikely that this will be necessary. However, our solicitors are in regular contact with the receivers.

This advice contradicts advice provided by the ANF to newsagents late yesterday. Actually, the ANF did not provide advice, it called for expressions of interest in funding action around the equipment leases. Newsagents are angry that the ANF is asking for newsagents to fund action by the ANF given that the ANF earned in excess of $1 million in revenue in relation to the these agreements which are not set to be challenged. Newsagents I have spoken with would like the ANF to commit some of the $1 million plus it earned toward getting advice on this matter.

Bill Express

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  1. Wen

    So does this mean there will be two different class actions against Mobius? It’s a little confusing from here as we only receive communications from ANF at this stage.


  2. mark

    The ANF class action, if it ever gets beyond a call for money from newsagents, will focus on one aspect, the NSW instigated class action, the first one commenced for newsagents, will focus more broadly including the actions of the ANF.


  3. clement

    In my memory, ANF hasn’t done anything good for newsagency. I think ANF should go with BXP, never trouble us anymore.


  4. Bhagwat

    I think class action should be taken against BXP an ANF as two together mislead th newsagent under false assumptions and biased contact. I will be happy support this.


  5. KH

    Don’t worry mate,
    The NANA class action will wade in as soon as moby dicks try to lean on the first newsagent.
    I wouldn’t mind betting that, as part of this process, the bitch and it’s pup, among others, will be sapeoned.
    Then the real entertainment will commence.
    Have you joined the class action?


  6. Wen

    So, in order to join any class action, one must be a member of one organisation or another? This would be the only time we are at a disadvantage for not being members.


  7. Graeme


    You DO NOT have to be a member of NANA to be part of the newsagents class action.


  8. colin

    We newsagents underestimate our networking and the ability to make things happen on a grand scale, after all why do you think organizations like Bill Express, Western union the ATO want to use our large and far reaching customer base. This can also be advantege to us as a large organization, please do not underestimate our network . We must at times like this stay united remember the famous saying ‘UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL” hence we all have a local and Federal member of Parliament may i suggest that every newsagent contact his local and federal members explaining our situation with Bill Express and seek their support in this matter . These people are there to represent every citizen in their seat including the local hard working newsagent who has been treated badly in many ways in the last decade with deregulation among other matters, if your representative does not listen perhaps if he realizes the size of our customer base this may be good public profile for him or her by showing suport for a small business in the community.
    Mark perhaps you would like to comment or prepare a sample letter to be sent to these people.
    Individually we are just another small business united we are a huge nationwide company.


  9. mark


    I know of several newsagents who have done this.

    My view is that while this is okay, our attention is better focused on our own assocaitions first, especially the ANF since it was their endorsement and active marketing which got many newsagents across the line.

    A politician digging is going to point back at the ANF.



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