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The human side of the Bill Express collapse

bxp_light.JPGI received a call yesterday from a newsagent who had not stopped the direct debit arrangement for the Bill Express equipment because of advice from the Australian Newsagents’ Federation. She rang me after reading the advice from the ANF three days ago that newsagents suspend the direct debit arrangement. She was in tears at what she calls at least two months of “lost” payments. As she explained, the two months payments was more than a year of ANF membership fees.

Her story is not uncommon. She went into Bill Express on the advice of the ANF and, in her words, has always done what they told her.

In a business with annual sales of $345,000 and a net profit of under $20,000, the $6,534 a year in Bill Express equipment rental fees for no return will be a huge cost. This is why she was in tears. As she put it to me, had she ignored the advice of the ANF and listened to other newsagents she would have stopped the direct debit earlier and saved, maybe, two months of payments.

My caller told me that when she spoke to the ANF twice about this they were adamant that she should continue to pay for the equipment and that they had legal advice newsagents should do this. She tried called the ANF Friday but could not speak to anyone who knew why they changed position.

My understanding is that the ANF did not receive any different legal advice before it revised the advice it provided newsagents on Thursday to “suspend” direct debit arrangements for the Bill Express equipment. I hope I am wrong and that the Board issued the changed advice based on new legal advice and not political expediency.

While some on the Board will not like this blog post – it is more of the “third party commentary” they criticised on Thursday – the questions I post warrant answers. Did the Board get new advice? If so, what are the details? If not, why did the Board take the u-turn on Thursday and why not sooner? It would appear that the ANF Board has misjudged the mood of their constituency on the Bill Express matter.  The Chairman said most West Australian newsagents were not affected when he spoke to a group of newsagents in Melbourne earlier this week.

I know I should welcome the u-turn by the ANF and focus on next steps. The call I received yesterday does not permit that. While I get calls about Bill Express daily, yesterday’s was highly emotional. The cost could lead to the owner shutting the business and walking away such is her trauma of the financial situation and being let down. I felt helpless in listening to her situation.

I have told people at the ANF and at VANA of these calls.  Others have told them too.  Many newsagents cannot afford to have to pay for equipment from which they can achieve no return.  They feel let down for having been told that Bill Express by organisations they trust only to find that those organisations had not done their homework.

Hopefully the ANF will better explain its advice this week and ensure that its staff are well equipped to explain this to callers. Newsagents need certainty. They also need to know that their national association has empathy for their position.

What has happened to newsagents over the last few months with Bill Express is a crime. Newsagents need to see justice pursued by ASIC, the ACCC, the Administrator and any other avenue so that the closure which is important to victims of crime can be achieved.

Bill Express

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  1. Helen

    I agree ANF / VANA have much to answer for. It is time for a new start. They need to remember they are employed to look after the interest of newsagents.
    They are not there to make money!
    If we need to increase our membership fees so be it. I would prefer to pay more and know I am not getting tarnished advice. The association rules need to be clear, and one should be “No commercial interests associated with the associations.”
    They should be totally independent.
    Look at N-Stock on line. What’s that all about? Who asked for that?

    It is interesting that they have time to launch N-Stock online, but can’t provide decent advice on the Bill Express Debacle!!


  2. Helen

    Here’s a thought, maybe ANF / Vana could set up a blog, so they understand how Newsagents are feeling about issues.


  3. Michael

    It is a crime, I’m waiting for news on what the authorities have found.

    I’m keen on where the “20 Million” went that is unaccounted for. An of shore bank account?

    I don’t want those guys to get away with it.


  4. Peter

    Yes, the ANF may have a lot to answer for, but it’s about time that we all focussed our efforts on attacking Mobious. Last I heard only 80 odd people had paid the $200 (yes, we have paid) to support the ANF legal action. If we all just sit around & blog bitch we will get no where.


  5. Mark


    I think you’ll find ten times that have joined the NSW Class Action.




    We have uninstalled all the Bill Espress equipment. What happens to this equipment now. Where do we return it to? Who do we contact to arrange pick up? We don’t need the equipment hanging around our premises


  7. Henry

    I want the ANF to explain their position. They told me to pay and now they say don’t pay. I should have listened to mark two months ago. The ANF owe me $1,000. What can I do?


  8. Peter

    My understanding is that at the end of the lease the equipment is still the property of Mobious. As you have no use for it, suggest you charge them $495.00 + GSt per month storgae.


  9. Samuel

    Please tell me, are there anyone successfully get back the money of April and May monthly ‘rental’ fee? I’m interested to know whether I can get those two months(Nearly $1000) money back.


  10. Andrew

    Samual, why on earth did you let them take it in the first place?


  11. Mark


    Go bank to your bank and challenge them. Get them to check the direct debit authority you paid and the name through which the latest payments were deducted.



  12. eric

    it is august already and i still have not recieved my report and commision from western union for july from ANF. I wonder what they are upto. i also urge you to always check your WU statment, you might catch some surprises.


  13. helen

    I have not even received the report for Jun08 yet although the Jun08 commission was credited only on 29thJul.

    I have yet to ring up but I will sometime today to chase them up. It’s definitely better to check the statements as we had 1 missing commission from end of last year. It took us 4mths by email/phone to chase ANF down to pay us.
    They say there was no trouble with transmittal/payment at the other side but somehow we didn’t get our commission!


  14. Inside

    Eric the ANF makes money from western union from commission, bank interest and foreign exchange. You should ask to compare this revenue with the share you as a newsagent get – before the Western Union contract which was renewed in a rush earlier this year reverts away from the ANF.


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