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The old hand attacking the young

In a country town a new newsagent, a year in the job, is facing a ferocious attack from a well established newsagent of decades standing. 

The old hand newsagent has opened a second shop a few doors away from the new newsagent’s business, a street away from his own main street store.  In this new shop, the old hand newsagent is placing products which specifically target categories being tried by the new newsagent. 

If the new newsagent was a poor operator I could understand – in the interest of customer service.  He is not.  This new newsagent is a good operator, someone committed to excellent customer service and doing the newsagency shingle proud.  He is the kind of person we want to attract to our channel. 

The gorilla of a competitor, the old hand newsagent, is relentless – he had has engaged in other underhand activity designed to gain an unfair advantage and take out the small rival.

Had he competed by improving his existing business I would not have a problem.  His shop could sure do with improvement – but business is not suffering because of his years in town and his excellent location. The town can easily support both.  The town would suffer if the gorilla won and the new guy was forced out of business. 

There is robust competition between many newsagents.  Rarely have I seen the underhand and questionable attack as I have written of here.  The actions of this old newsagent do not do our channel proud.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. ted

    What’s the point of this thread Mark? If you’re so outraged, name the culprit please.


  2. Mark


    I would not report my mood as “outrage”.

    The purpose of the post is to bring the issue to a public forum and test the mood of the meeting. Maybe I am alone in being concerned about this.



  3. ted

    I think we would all be concerned if this is true. So who is the culprit?


  4. Andy

    Isn’t this just natural competition though. The incumbent will always try to protect their territory when a new player comes along – and surely that applies to any industry not just newsagents – and any newcomer should surely be aware that the established player is not going to go on without a fight.


  5. Mark

    Ted, I know that what I have written is true. I am not about to name names publicly though.

    Andy, what is happening in this town goes way beyond competiton. The new newsagent bought a long established newsagency around the corner from the old hand.



  6. Derek

    People experience different emotions when they get new competitors, however to open a second shop on the New Newsagents lap sucks, I am not necessarily concerned who the bully is, what I am concerned about is what can we do to help both Newsagents co exist, openning that second shop is wrong!.


  7. ted

    You misunderstand me Mark. I’m not questioning your integrity….just very curious to know who the bully is. Never mind.

    On an unrelated matter, I like reading all the blogs listed in the blogroll although Jarryd appears to do little more than echo you. I’m curious as to what has happened to Churchill News. He hasn’t blogged since June. Any idea what happened to him and also why he is still listed?


  8. Mark

    Ted, I didn’t take it as you questioning me. I said it was true in the comment above to reinforce that I am sure of the facts – more for others who will come by here.

    I am hopeful the bully will realise that he brings shame on the channel.

    Jarryd is very much his own person. While we agree on many things, we do disagree. Churchill is around – just busy I think.



  9. Jarryd Moore


    It is slightly ironic you say I echo Mark on a post which I don’t completely agree. My attitute towards competition is relativly ruthless as long as doing so (in the case of the old hand newsagent) has sound business decisions behind it and is legal. If he believes he can do ‘it’ better then I would argue he has the right to do so. If he is doinf it for another, unsound business reason the that is another matter.

    If I disagree I tend to do so on my own blog. I would think much of the industry would agree with the posts here – many of them relate to industry wide problems.


  10. Brad

    If the new agency is doing the job then the introduction of a new shop shouldn’t really hurt. If they throw hands up and say its too hard then they will fail. If you are looking for a poll on if right or wrong put me down for a so what. The agency was brought by the new person and built up. The dinosaur has woken up to the fact that they can hurt this business and drive them out. Big gamble as setting up a shop, stock fixtures and staff is a big investment chasing the same pie.
    The new agent has a few choices, 1 roll with it and attack him where it hurts, join a group to help this fight or sell. Business is going to get tough, toughen up or die out.


  11. Derek

    I agree competition is good, ruthless, we all play that game at times, toughen up I am sure he’s on a steep learning curve. I agree also about joining a marketing group!

    Being an old timer in this town of course gives him many advantages, he has a loyal customer base, he knows other business people, its takes a generation to be accepted as a local in some of these towns.

    I can only imagine what the underhand tactics are, this guy is not playing a straight bat and that is unfair, if you read between the lines or even the lines of Mark’s initial post it is more than just roll with the punches and toughen up,

    its probably more like the old cowboys movies we used to watch where the Railway Baron wants the farmers land at all costs to get the railway through. Remember the tactics used in those movies?

    What sort of help does this new guy need?


  12. anon

    it must be a quiet day at the fletcher office – what a pathetic post.
    Unidentified newsagent in an unidentified town – did you bother to ask your gorilla his/her business plan or did you just take the populist road as you do and attack the rights of any business person to open anyway they wish in an endeavour to succeed.


  13. Shaun s

    with a comment from an unidentified person —-anon


  14. anon

    as unidentified as you


  15. Shaun s

    not really champ i have spoken to mark and several other users in person so grow some balls and let us know who you are


  16. anon

    that might be difficult you sexist pig


  17. SHAUN s

    OH NO anon is offended ,but seriously you comment about mark not using real names but yet you hide every time you hop on here


  18. chris

    Shaun you really need some anger management there old son.
    Whomever ánon’ is, is irrelevant. he/she provides a little comic relief in an otherwise stressful old world.
    Don’t take life too seriously.


  19. LOL @ Anon

    Shaun & anon – maybe you should go on a date?
    Seriously everyone reading this post is less intelligent for the experience..


  20. Mark


    Anon is the one who is irrelevant. He/she/it contributes little to discussion or debate. Their only interest is their singular agenda.


    [spelling corrected at 9:08am]


  21. anon

    what is a ‘singuair’ agenda? Is it an asian airline


  22. Michael

    Mark, publish her IP address enough is enough.


  23. Aaron

    Many will probably disagree, but I find anon quite amusing. Snide commentaries from the sidelines of the world he/she/it experiences and watches.

    ala Common Man in A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt. Read it some time.


  24. SHAUN s

    Aaron i to find anon a little funny at times nothing wrong with a laugh ,but if he /she /it wants to dish it out he /she/it needs to be able to handle a responce .


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