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Violating my retail space

pop_science_ugh.JPGMagazine merchandisers can be frustrating.  Too often, they move titles around and take liberties with our retail space.  Take the header card a merchandiser put in place to promote Popular Science in one of my newsagencies.  This blocks our coproate image header card.  I think, but cannot be certain, that they moved Popular Science to above the science magazines.  We usually have Scientific American in the top two pockets – to beacon brand the serious science segment.

We have told merchandisers they are not to move anything, change anything or put up displays without permission.  When they ignore this they disrespect our business.


I understand that publishers want to drive sales of their products.  The best way for them to do this is to partner with newsagents in a business like way rather than by taking over part off the business.  In the case of Popular Science, we have beeen told to place this title with men’s interests.  This is where we have most stock. a pocket in the science section is part of our ownco-location strategy.  Cursiously, the merchandiser did not violate our Men’s interests area display.


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  1. Jarryd Moore

    If a merchandiser touches product without asking we refer the matter to their employer. If they further ignore our policies we ban them from the store.

    We rarely let merchandisers touch shelf product. We let them set up display areas allocated to their product, but usually like to keep tighter controls on shelf merchandising.


  2. Rob

    Merchandiser’s wow, haven’t seen one of those since 1986, the joys of living in the bush


  3. Y&G

    Haa, Rob. I hear ya.
    The joys of being small LOL


  4. shaun

    Are we people on the out skirts missing out on anything by not have a merchandiser ?i have never had the experience of seeing one or seeing what they do


  5. Jarryd Moore

    I should mention that I was refering to merchandisers for supermarket-based product, not magazine merchandisers. We haven’t ever seen a merchandisr for magazines and never want to.


  6. Vaughan Lawrence

    We banned all Magazine merchandisers from our store because of the “i own this space” mentality.
    Some have tried to sneak their way back in, but they always leave with their tail between their legs if myself or any of my staff catch them.


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