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Topped returns lead to improved magazine supply efficiency

Newsagents in Far North Queensland have had been permitted to return unsold magazines topped for almost a year. Talking to some of the newsagents involved earlier this week it was no surprise to discover that returns have dropped. Returning un-solds in a topped form makes publishers and magazine distributors more accountable since they cannot re-circulate unsold stock. Newsagents benefit through a considerable reduction in freight and labour costs.

magazine distribution

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  1. Michael

    There’s a strong environmental arguement with the emissions produced by the returning of full copies also.

    Mark, if you can get me an average figure on what weight an average Newsagent would be sending back I know someone who can calculate the emissions per kilometre.


  2. Mark

    Michael, I cannot provide an average with accuracy. However, you could use 160kgs a month as a guide. There are many with more than this and some with less.


  3. Michael

    Email just sent. I’ve asked for 100kgs which is an easier unit to work with.


  4. rick

    great work by the QNF on behalf of its members. this is what a`well run association does for its members


  5. shaun

    here is a beauty for you all ,today i had a customer come in and ask why is it that my magazines are twice the price to what the newsagent down the road are ,my thought was that she was dreaming ,anyway i had a look at one of these magazines and it was dated march 2007 .. is it a comon practice for old magazines to be sold ,i know we have mentioned it on here before but the more newsagents i seem to go into seem to have a stand with them on it advertising all mags half price .


  6. Brett

    When I took over this shop they had a stand out the front for cheap mags. All it meant was that they had missed the return dates, could not get a credit and so were getting back whatever they could for them. Poor administration is what it means. We don’t have that stand any more.


  7. shaun

    that would be ok i suppose if that was the case but up here in north queensland were i am we top[ every mag we send back and it appears that these mags are from the plastic covered multi packs .This seems to be just pure abuse of the system


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