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Preparing for the Modern awards

Some newsagents appear to be lost when it comes to handling the award changes which apply soon and which I have covered previously here.  There are new regulatory obligations on us which will take time and money to address.  Smart newsagents are getting appropriate advice and establishing necessary procedures and paperwork to esnure that they meet the requirements.  Others are “leaving it for now”.

The smart approach for newsagents is to engage with a party to have all of the necessary paperwork, procedures and staff training provided professionally.  The changes are too complex to navigate yourself along with running a newsagency.   The ANF is running roadshows around the country educating newsagents.  The QNF is also doing roadshows and providing practical assistance.  Here’s a summary of QNF activity:

QNF have developed a ‘calculator’ which shows the extra cost the Modern Awards will bring to newsagents over the 5 year transition period. This helps for some to understand the severity and others are able to re-arrange staffing to ensure the impact is minimal.

QNF have engaged an I/R specialist to draw up EBA’s for individual newsagents and also had dealings with the SDA who are offering a free EBA to Qld newsagents (one multi employer agreement).

We are presently doing roadshows all over Qld informing newsagents the up-to-date information on the Modern Awards.

The differences between the State & Federal Awards and the impact on each as well as Delivery Drivers, casual staff vs permanent part time, the use of contractors.

QNF started all of this early this year and are confident that they have kept newsagents informed all along the way.

Time is running out for those who wish to do an EBA. The end of this month just about sees it in as it is a 6 week process and it must be finished by 31st Dec.

For more details on the overall changes, check out Fair Work Australia.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. Brad

    Not shocked to see no commentry here on this issue. Many are in for a real shock come Jan 1st. We get a knickers in a twist when it comes to mag returns and supplier behaviour but when an issue that is in our control comes up we act as if there is a catch. Yesa NSW and VIC stores will see little impact QLD agents can be paying up to 20k more over the 5 years. Add that to your rental increases and CPI wage increases will that hurt?


  2. B

    Can anyone tell me what the rules and regs are for part time staff? When do casuals have to become permanent part time? And if I work generally on a two week rotating roster does this count or because it id somehwhat permanent does it then become a permanent roster.


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