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Some politicians working hard on EFTPOS issue

I received calls from advisers to two politicians on Friday.  They wanted to talk about the EFTPOS issue and let me know that they are working to represent newsagent concerns.  One was from the office of a Labor MHR and the other from a Liberal MHR.  While neither had good news, that the issue remained on their agenda and that they were lobbying on behalf of newsagents and other small and independent retailers was good news. They each said they would continue to push for us.

A story published by the Courier Mail a few days ago shows how Woolworths is using credit card processing to define a point of difference.  Imagine what they will do when they can pitch they they don’t charge a surcharge for EFTPOS when we do.

Click here for a copy of the briefing paper which the ANF has given permission to publish.

Click here for a copy of a letter developed by the ANF and which which you can personalise and send to your local member of parliament and senators for your state or territory.

Click here for a list of house of representatives members and here for a list of senators. With this information you can easily, call, email or write to your local parliamentarians and get them engaged on this issue.


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  1. Peter

    I am again wrtitng to my Local MPS. Their answers were 90% about their perceived Illigitamecy of the Gillard Government. There was one brief mention that the banks will reduce bank fees as compensation, Yea and pigs might fly.

    There also appeared to be a complete lack of policy.

    I am again writing to them this time in much blunter terms.


  2. rick

    my local state member rang me aqt home on sundat arvo to discuss the issue, he said the same thing, there is an expectation the banks will lower business fees to offst the new eftpos charges. Waiting on some feedback from the fairies at the bottom of the garden on that one


  3. Bill

    I wonder if other independent businesses are aware of this issue. Butchers, Mitre 10 stores, independent petrol stations etc. for example. Local Chambers of Commerce should get on the bandwagon. I have been trying to stir up indignation with fellow local traders but they don’t know what I’m talking about. Of course, most of them have bank eftpos terminals and I’m sure their banks are not warning them of impending change.


  4. Max

    The fairies are waiting for the pink flying pigs to make a move first, rick.


  5. shaun

    Bill i agree no one else besides newsagents seem to kow anything about it . a few i have spoken to just said “what”


  6. Brendan

    Whether or not banks reduce other fees, the fact is that with the large retailers not having to pay fees we are clearly going top pay their share. Since when is it our task to subsidise these giant corporations?


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