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Promoting kids magazines

magskzonetotal.jpgWe are promoting K-Zone and Total Girl with an energetic aisle end display in the kids / parents area of our store.  While all kids titles are challenged in terms of sales, this does not stop us from promoting them.  We remind customers, especially grandparents, that they make a good gift.


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  1. shaun

    none of the kids tittles work for me eg the kzones total girl etc they never have , i might get 1 or 2 sales a month out of them if i am lucky , but as soon as i put kids books out that i get through other suppliers they sell like hot cakes . For me i don’t think the parents or grandparents are fooled by the cheap and nasty gift that are on offer with them , most of the times the break straight away or just simply do not work .


  2. Brendan

    Shaun, ours were also slow to the point we were going to quit them. We moved our out of the magazine section to give them one last chance and now display them right next to the main register. Sales have improved dramatically and they will keep their place in the store for the foreseeable future. Try something different and the may surprise you.


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