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Woolworths pushes the Amazon Kindle

Woolworths is pushing the Amazon Kindle through its supermarkets as well as Big W and Dick Smith stores.  This past week the supermarkets have put up posters promoting the Kindle.

While pitched as a book reader, the Kindle is just as much a newspaper and magazine reader.

This pitch by Woolworths is growing a new channel for print products like magazines and newspapers.  Newsagents need to be aware of this – not to be fearful or angry, but to be informed and strategic in our own business planning.  This move is absolutely expected by those who follow the roll out of new technology.

Now go to TechCrunch to read the first review of the Kindle tablet, the next generation Kindle. This review indicates that the tablet war is just beginning and that the digital channel is about to reach a new group of consumers given the lower entry cost.

Magazine and newspaper publishers continue to invest significant resources in pursuit of revenue from these new digital channels.  As music publishers found almost a decade ago, it is not a question of if this channel will become viable and then dominate but when.

While this tipping point is years out we have to make the most of today plus we have to be aware of and plan for the digital future.  These are times of excellent opportunities.

Media disruption

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  1. June

    Mark, are you suggesting that newsagents sell kindles, ipad, etc


  2. Mark

    Certainly if we could get the stock at a good price.


  3. Luke

    Thats the kicker isn’t it, IF we can get it at the right price.
    Most times newsagents get into a product then the big boys get the same thing and sell it for less then what we pay for it. We simply do not have the buying power to get the best deals, not even in stationery with GNS.
    We got hit with a few things for Father’s day that we thought was a good price until we saw it at the majors for less then what we had paid paid for it.


  4. Paul S

    Source them directly from overseas ? There are plently of people who already do that on Ebay (ie buy from China etc and then sell here). I would think that if someone were to look at it as a subsidiary business ,and I’m aware of someone who does, to the newsagency and aim for volume you could do quite well. If Woolies are doing Kindle, perhaps just find one of the other brands that are either on or about to come onto the market (and there’s about to be a flood of them in the next 6 months) and push that instead ?

    I’m waiting to see which one/s Aus Post is going to sell and I might dip my toe in the water there and stock a couple to get a feel for the market.


  5. Angelo

    The only issue I would have with eBay sourced item is warranty issues if they arise. I’d be happy to sell Kindle at the right price. If a supplier like Jenlist or GNS with a bit of purchasing power to get a better deal I would sell them tomorrow.
    Devices like these are only going to get very popular very soon and I believe a prudent item to offer in our industry.


  6. Brendan

    This may be an opportunity for a newsagency branded product if it is promoted as the future of newspapers. As the newspaper specialist it may be the right time as Angelo has stated for GNS or Jenlist to work with the ANF and state bodies and maybe even the pulishers (one can only dream) to create a market in the industry that uses our credibility as the placeto get your news before other markets have too much market share.


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