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Moshie Monsters out today

An Australian edition of Moshie Monsters magazine goes on sale today.  It has tremendous potential given the reported 5 million Australian Moshi Monsters users and given strong TV promotion on both free to air and pay TV starting today.  Targeting 6 to 12 year olds, this new monthly title could help us increase traffic and sales in our kids section, a magazine section which has been challenged in recent years.

I plan on us making the most of the launch with a good display in a high traffic location.  It’s the kind of title which could work at the counter, especially is at kid eye level.

To newsagents considering early returning this new title, I’d suggest you ask parents and 6 to 12 year olds.



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  1. Brendan

    What is the RRP? My kids will go CRAZY if i don’t buy this for them 🙂


  2. Luke

    How about the newsagents that did not receive the title? Again we were not good enough to get supply, but I will do all the running around so that the publishers and NET/GG make the dollars.
    We did however receive oversupply on a number of other crap titles that we have sales history that shows it does not sell. go figure


  3. Paul

    Same here Luke. I had actually ordered a couple of copies as I’ve been asked for them as put-a-ways but have received no supply so far.

    Gotch in particular this morning was a bit over zealous with supply today on a few lines. Alf, if you’re reading this out there, I received close to a double of what my anticipated sales of Frankie was for this coming month so I’ve kept anticipated sales plus one and topped the rest for early return on Friday.


  4. shauns

    Paul the lads at GG did the same here . Frankie is not a seller for me but i keep it anyway because of how Alf is trying to keep in touch with newsagents . i normally sell maybe 1 and get 2 i am happy with that today they send me 3 , i am not happy with that because now it cost me to stock it . I have placed them at the counter to try and generate some sales from it but i will see , end of the month if it is still there it will go back .


  5. Paul

    I received 19 Frankie with an anticipated sales of 10 on their docket (which is pretty well backed up by the Tower POS historical sales data – 8 or 9 usually sell) so kept 11 and topped 8 ready to be early returned on Friday.

    I’m actually doing most of my early returns a few days early this month as some miraculously didn’t make it onto credits on last months account in time.

    Agree regarding Alf and his engagement with us which is why I thought I’d mention it here. Only other thing I’d like to see from him is a higher GP on sales like other some of the other publishers are initiating.


  6. Paul

    …and I so should have checked my grammar in that last paragraph !


  7. Mark

    Something happened and we actually get our stock Friday and not today as per the Gotch announcement.


  8. mary

    Shaun you complaain about an over supply of 1 OMG no wonder Newsagents get a bad rap…


  9. Shauns

    No Mary,that is not it. What I am saying is it is no longer worth me having . Do the sums I sell one over a four month period was getting 2 ok no big deal and now send 3 still no big deal but if you add it all up it has cost me to sell one . Now times that by a few hundred other mags and then you have the problem . Do you get that ?


  10. Shauns

    In my books it is the same as getting 200 that’s life when I only sell 100 , you do not actually make anything off those sales do you .


  11. Brendan

    Our sales for Frankie sales keep improving. We increased from 1 to 3 to 5 (had 1 return over2 issues at this quantity) and now sell out at 7 and have increased ourorder.
    Not huge figures but continued growth and I have heard similar figures from another newsagent friend ouf ours. While not all newsagents will have a market for this title, I think most if they give it some attention will find an improving title that benefits their business.
    Alf does a great job engaging with newsagents and as for higher commissions, I imagine there would be a critical mass of sales required for any smaller publisher, not only Alf, to make this possible and we need to help that occur


  12. Sharon

    My son missed issue 2 – does anyone know where I can get my hands on it? He is not happy with me for missing it!


  13. June

    Alf Santomingo should be considered before Frankie is removed from stores because he has engaged in a very personal
    way with newsagents.
    I didn’t receive any Frankie diaries and I complained on this site (only to be embarrassed when I found that they were firm sale only and you had to order them).
    Alf managed to get me 20 (only 18 in the
    parcel so someone took 2 on the way to my
    premises?????? – another one of our problems – and I have sold them all and could have had lots more.
    Alf’s intervention and interaction with this
    product for just one newsagent is an indication of his commitment to our channel and I, for one, will continue to push Frankie in my store.
    My sales have increased 100 fold since we
    first started to receive it hence my reason for thinking I would have been “targeted”
    for the Frankie diary.
    Well done Alf!


  14. Vicki

    what area of Australia are you? Some of us may still have a copy to sell.


  15. Alf Santomingo


    I read the article when mark published this, but I feel awful for not reading the comments earlier, regarding frankie and the feedback from yourselves.

    Thank you!

    If you receive an unjustified decrease/increase, (not getting stock) please feel free to get in contact with me first so that I can help you.
    There might be a reason for the increase that might have been overlooked, but I’m happy to investigate directly.



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