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frankie sells out again

We have one copy of the latest issue of frankie left. Our sales of this magazine continue to grow.

frankie extends baskets of existing shoppers and it attracts valuable new shoppers. In each of my newsagencies the allocation is good – a little low if anything but that’s the nature of shopping centre newsagency magazine sales.

I know of several newsagents who have early returned frankie leaving less stock on the shelves than their recent average sales. This is definitely not a magazine you should treat this way as you;re likely to lose the customer to another retailer.


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  1. peter stewart

    we sold out of this issue a few days after its release and have not been able to get any extra’s


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Peter, contact Alf Santomingo at Morrison to get your figures adjusted.


  3. Ian

    We ordered extras twice with no problems. We normally only sell a few but this issue has sold well.


  4. Alf Santomingo

    Thanks Mark.

    Peter, Feel free to visit: http://news.morrisonmedia.com.au to submit an email, or call my direct line (07 5520 9124). Allocations are already confirmed for #51 which goes on sale Wednesday. But note that we work to not oversupply which means that over half of newsagents that stock frankie sell out well before off sale.

    We do have floor stock, but it’s limited as we prefer to have stock out on shelves to purcahse, then waiting for a newsagent to potentially request stock. This also means our print run is tight to reduce wastage.

    Hope that helps. And thanks Mark for letting your readers know.


  5. June

    Alf, I sold out again of Frankie and requested more to no avail.
    I thought the cover of the current mag
    was the best mag cover of the year for
    ALL categories. Congrats. it’s a great
    magazine and it is going from strength to
    strength in our store.
    I have requested plus 20 for my standing
    order so I hope I get them.
    I don’t think I have had a return all year.
    I also had to re-order my Frankie diaries and I have nearly sold through the second
    order even though it is firm sale.
    Customers know value when they see it.


  6. peter stewart

    Alf, i have to agree with june, best cover of 2012. i only had to get customers to feel the cover and 80% would buy it.
    Im confident the content will bring them back on wednesday for the new one.


  7. Jenny

    Disappointed to see Frankie in our local supermarket. Probably it is all three.
    With six great newsagencies in our area I’m sure we are doing an excellent job selling Frankie, I wonder would there be any less sales if is was newsagent exclusive.


  8. Mark Fletcher

    Jenny, publishers need to spread their bets to get sales. Newsagents account for half of all magazines sold.

    Early returning the day of on sale turns publishers against our channel.


  9. BrettS

    Like almost any stock item Market segment that is grown by a channel not just Newsagency Pharmacies are in there to, as soon as it is up and running the Big 2 move in and bring all the work of building down better them any demolition team.


  10. wally

    I would like to see Coles keep it on their shelf for 2months.


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