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I wish politicians would stop fighting over the NBN … just get it done

It’s frustrating that the opposition parties continue to fight against the NBN, using, in my view, specious arguments. This is an infrastructure Australia needs to compete in our digital economy. Every slowdown because of debate, every second-guess planted without facts in the minds of voters delays us getting access to what should be a world-class infrastructure.

Those in opposition had their chance to deliver good IT infrastructure and they ignores it. Labour gets in, acts and then the Liberls and Nats decide they have a better solution. They had their time.

In terms of the NBN, as a country we need to just get it done.

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  1. Maris

    Good to see you show your political bias shine through Mark.

    Don’t forget the deficits that were left behind for the Liberals to clean up and that the NBN is being completely built with borrowed money that will result in a interest bill of $22bn.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Maris this is not about politics for me. The NBN will be good for the country and delivering it to the home is a better solution than the alternative proposed.


  3. Peter


    In the Bush we are crying out for the NBN its uses have even yet to be fully visualised. Just like once, Canals (overseas England), Railways, Roads and the Telegraph (first Telephone) the result will benefit all and in ways that have not even yet been quantified. All these including the Harbour Bridge were in the main built with borrowed money.

    The unfortunate thing is the NBN has now been caught in the Crossfire of our broken two party system.

    Also waiting for Big Business to do something has not worked. Look at the deplorable state of our present .telephone/communications system.

    Finaly I now see both Parties consider themselves more important that the state. This is the same as single party state and the old communist bloc.

    As Mark said just get it done and the Party that does will earn a little bit of Kudos from me.


  4. The PM

    All I know is this.I already have wireless broadband as the badly corroded copper wires in the ground can barely carry a phone signal, forget aabout reliable internet services that way.So, everytime it rains, even the slightest bit, I cannot get broadnaabd reception until such time as the rain stops.I really don’t get how self confessed non technical people like Abbot and Turnbull can claim that wireless is the superior solution.Fibre to the home please!
    The NBN is the Snowy River Scheme of our time.


  5. Luke

    10yr ago we knew nothing of the ipad, or even 4G mobiles, so when they eventually finish this NBN it will be outdated. Surely as a tech head Mark you know better then most how fast these things get outdated. Anything that is fixed to a point is no use for people that are constantly on the move and need broadband to go with them.


  6. Mark Fletcher

    Luke I am not a tech-head. What I know is that the NBN model is current best practice. It is a project businesses and the public will benefit from. the decision was made. Get on with it I say.


  7. Peter


    what you are saying is do nothing as what ever you do will be outdated and therefore no good. A premise I totally disagree with. On this premise we would still be living in caves.


  8. NBNFollower


    You have no clue on Fibre. If it so called OUTDATED why do companies spend millions of dollars lying fibre from country to country?


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