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E-cigs gaining more traction with US retailers

ecigsIn convenience stores and some supermarkets I have seen e-cigarettes being offered in more locations than my last trip to the US six months ago. Then, at the Retail’s Big Shop conference and trade show there was strong representation. This is where I picked up the Convenience Store News guide (pictured). The guide was bagged with the magazine. It’s packed with excellent information on what is clearly a growing category for tobacco retailers. It will be interesting to see the brands develop.

Tobacco sales

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  1. shauns

    Australia has to be able to get the nicotine ones in , the plain ones seem to be a fad and then people loose interest where the nicotine ones actually work , i know because i am useing one right now .


  2. Steve

    Wish I had one Shaun. 6 days cold turkey and I haven’t sworn at a customer yet so that’s a plus. I don’t think the laws banning nicotine in e-cig’s are going to change, the potential for it to become cool and start a new generation of nicotine addicts far out weighs me trying to give up.


  3. shauns

    Agree Steve , they should make them look as ugly as hell but make them available . You can have nicotine patches chewys ,mouth spray , but something that actually works they will not allow it . My father was on 2 packs a day now he is on one pack a week with the help of these electronic cigs . it will not be allowed for the simple reason of TAX


  4. Jarryd Moore

    There is possibly a place for the use of e-cigs that contain nicotine however, as Steve mentions, there is the potential of undoing the work that has made cigarettes far less socially acceptable.

    This could be overcome by introducing design standards that ensure the product is visually unappealing and distinguishable from real cigarettes. It would almost certainly include heavy regulation through the health system including being listed a prescription-only and with a requirement that it only be prescribed after other options have been attempted.

    I don’t think ta revenue is the problem here shaun. There are plenty of medical options available to those who are trying to quit. This one just has some genuine additional factors that need to be taken into consideration.


  5. shauns

    Agree Jarryd , maybe the same as champax that you need a script for


  6. Jonathan Wilson

    I think nicotine e-cigarettes should be legal but only sold through pharmacies where they can give you advice on the right products for your quit-smoking needs (whether that be e-cigarettes, patches, gum, tablets or something else). And they should regulate the contents of e-cigarettes just like they do for patches, gum, tablets and other quit smoking products.


  7. James

    Forget tobacco, if the US is anything to go by the next retail boom product is marijuana.

    Did you see the other day where the first (non medicinal) store opened in Colorado and there was a queue of 500 people, on average spending $200 per customer. My maths tells me thats $100k in sales just in the queue on day 1.

    My own view is that the tobacco litigation of the late 20th century, will be the hoochie litigation of the 21st century, but thats another story. Apparently up until that time, everyone thinks its a great idea and Im sure the retailers will make a mozza.


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