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Anyone else have Woman’s Day supplies cut this week

We had our Woman’s Day supplies cut to below what we would usually sell. I’ve heard of a couple of others experiencing this too. Anyone else?

magazine distribution

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  1. shauns

    all good here.


  2. DM

    Our supply was cut by 20% on a base of 170


  3. John Fitzpatrick


    Down from 168 to 162




    116 down to 50, sold 90 copies last week & would have easily sold more than that this week as we have one of our busiest weekends of the year coming up. Currently have only 4 copies left


  5. Brett

    120 down to 90 – I have 2 left


  6. h

    Like Brett, 114 down to 96, sold out because of gorgeous George I guess. Never mind, I just put all the other Royal product in place of WD and sell them instead. After years and years of oversupply, I’m not going to moan about undersupply. I concentrate on selling items that are worth more than $4.20 a hit.


  7. Mark Fletcher

    The inability to get supply right is the biggest barrier to newsagents growing sales and sustaining / driving traffic.


  8. Shayne

    I requested an increase for Take 5 for tomorrow due to seasonal traffic and instead our supply has been cut by 30%. Thanks very much Network


  9. Shayne

    Looks like its another trip to Woolies to buy their stock


  10. Carol

    Just be grateful you got stock at all. Those of us in Cyclone area have not been able to open at all power and phone has been out for days. Came back into shop yesterday and received Friday and Tuesday delivery but staff chose not to come in and stayed home to clean up. I had a post cyclone melt down about 1pm and could not go on any longer so we closed shop and went home. Thank God for my precious Junior staff who have come in today and we are running as normal but still feeling very hyped up.


  11. rick

    chin up carol, we are in tully and we opened the day after yasi without anything, and the region was totally trashed, we managed to get some papers and the locals flocked to our store each morning to get a paper for an update and just to have a chat with everybody else, was very up lifting to see the community come together.


  12. Carol

    Rick we had no way of getting papers to Cooktown until Tuesday and by then areas further south were the news flavour of the day. We have no idea what was written about Cooktown on the days Fri – Mon.


  13. shauns

    Carol use google grab the stories from the net and plaster your shop font with them , customers will cue up to read them . I think it was Yasi that we where getting emails from the paper and printing it out so customers could read the stories . Even if you can get another newsagent from another town and scan the relevant stories and print them out that also works ,
    Hope you didn’t loose to much during the cyclone


  14. June

    Carol you make our whingeing seem totally irrelevant when you’ve had such
    a hard time recently.
    Keep fighting – keep working – keep loving – all will be ok in the end.
    We’re thinking of all you FNQ agents who might be in the wake of Ita.


  15. Carol

    Thanks for the ideas but its all I can do to just get through a day at the moment.


  16. Mark Fletcher

    Carol sorry we can’t do anything practical. At least we’re aware. Hope Easter brings better weather and times for you and the region.


  17. Allan Wickham

    Carol, you’re a Queenslander, hang tough matey, good things are coming your way…………..I know they will….!


  18. rick

    Somebody mention state of origin then?


  19. Mark

    Hello. Just wondering if any of you are open tomorrow, and whether you get any Magazine deliveries. I know it is a Public Holiday.


  20. Mark Fletcher

    Many newsagencies will be open Monday. Magazines will be delivered.


  21. Ben

    Mark we had the opposite today with many other titles, small increases (i.e. from 5-8) on at least 10 titles, a number of titles we’ve never received before, and a number of titles we’ve cancelled in the past. Both NDC and GG must be behind on budget. Retailers have to look to ways to increase sales, they just dump more magazines.


  22. June

    Here I am at work with no GG because they have cut my supplies.
    Cheque was posted on 26th April but they claim they haven’t received it yet.
    Easter and Anzac Day have probably put
    Aust Post behind but that is not my problem (actually it is today).
    I am seething with rage about no stock, because I will still get it on Monday which will make Monday untenable in the shop with so much stock to work through.

    Don’t these people understand that their trading terms are archaic? (yes I know we have agreed with them in principle) but when we have no control of the quantities of stock we receive we are constantly having to juggle payments to suppliers.
    How is this still happening? In 38 years GG have NEVER had a month without a payment. They even suggested to me yesterday that I could STOP MY CHEQUE and put it through directly. I suggested that they might like to pay the fees which would be associated with that action.
    I will not be worrying about it once I open the doors but I will sell more of the Bauer
    product because they have an alternative to just about all the GG product.
    I wonder if the publishers know about this
    action which is taken all the time to intimidate us into submission. I might advise some of them today because the labels have come through xchangeit so they have obviously got my stock somewhere.
    I need a coffee to calm me down


  23. Garry

    Do people still pay accounts by cheque?


  24. Brett

    If Lovatts can get my allocations correct, every week, for every title, for a decade …… why cant everyone else?


  25. June

    Garry, my husband is 77 and even though he buys lots of things online he likes to control cashflow by writing his cheques out as soon as the account comes in and putting a date on the back of the envelope to tell him the day to post it (I know we can do all of that directly through the bank but he likes the tactile
    touch of the envelope and he flips through them daily once he sees the bank
    balance (to see who gets paid first).
    I get what you’re saying but I think it is too late to change this leopard’s spots.
    He actually does a damn good job with keeping things totally up to date and he knows the cheque no. etc without having to go to myob to check it so there are some good points to the “old way”.


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