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The Art of Knitting, again

IMG_8369While I am not sure about another go round for The Art of Knitting, we are promoting the title with the floor display unit placed in a high traffic location. Partworks are a point of difference for newsagents despite their frustrations.


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  1. subaru

    We also got ours with a note from the distributor effectively saying “Please do not early return this because it was a great seller last time”

    How many times has this been re-birthed now?

    It wasn’t popular last time, so why would it sell this time.

    Winter is half over, and they want you to start knitting now? It MIGHT have had a better chance to sell if they started it in summer. The thing you were knitting might have been finished and wearable for the colder months…..but hey i’m a newsagent, what do I know about marketing????


  2. Greg

    most people will think because it is cold right now there more likely to buy this on impulse because they automatically think its a good way to warm up or they can knit them selfs a jumper or a blanket where if it was summer time they wouldn’t buy it because it’s too hot and wouldn’t buy it on impulse

    I know I might be annoying people but I am looking for someone to supply me with partwork magazines for my YouTube channel I have just gotten this partwork but I am still hoping that someone has a copy of the 3d globe partwork and I know that there is a judge dredd partwork about to be released I am willing to pay the cover price of the partwork as well as the express postage cost and $10 on top of that for your hassle if someone could contact me through my email would be fantastic


    Cheers guys


  3. jenny

    Great dump bin you received.
    We have 63 copies to move but no dump bin or even a poster.
    Lucky we are not closer to Fathers Day as I make do with a card stand to display these.

    I need to sell them all, not to make $47.50 profit (I made more than that in 1 sale of 2 glass cows today) profit but to save me $30 in freight to return them!

    On the positive it did sell well last time and it is winter, I just wish they weren’t so big.


  4. Steve

    I am so over partworks. I have 3 putaways for art of knitting, Issue 2 my allocation was dropped to 2, order 1 raise allocation to 3. Issues 3 & 4 same story. Then issue 5 I receive 1! So I change my allocation to 3 for the third time and order 2. Issue 6 receive 1 my allocation is still 1 and now the 2 extras I ordered have been put on backorder. End result 2 annoyed customers and one very pissed off Newsagent. Now I’m seriously considering early returning all partworks. F**k the cost of freighting them back I’m over being used and abused


  5. Shauns

    I hear you Steve having the same problem with the 3D printer . I believe it’s a planned move to get direct supply customers . it’s happening all to often


  6. Steve

    Shauns its undeniable, they definitely restrict supply into newsagents to push customers onto subscription. That’s why I’m questioning having anything to do with partworks, you make a massive 50c or 75c per copy on issue 1 followed by a whole lot of rooting around changing allocations and chasing backorders for little effect. If their going to treat us like this for bugger all remuneration why support them?
    I feel for you with the 3D printer, miss a couple of issues of a knitting partwork and you’ve still got some useful yarn and needles. Missing a part for your 3D printer leaves you with a useless object and I suspect a very pissed of customer.


  7. Jan Jackson

    i have issue 28 of the throw and doing the square it doesn”t say what to do with row i did a row but there is no line for row 2 rows 1 and 2 then rows 4/6 on wards.Please answer me by email please


  8. Jan Jackson

    on previous comment should have said what to do with row 3


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