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Why I supported the MPA campaign in the newsagency

IMG_8981I have been asked several times why supported the MPA magazine promoting in my newsagency when I make more money from other products.

While there is no doubt newsagency businesses are (or should be) in transition. However, magazines remain a vitally important traffic driver.

The MPA promotion was exclusive to our channel, the flow display unit small and easily moved and the range of titles promoted fitted with other categories we sell. Further, there was no downside for me, no crazy engagement required at the counter.

Plain and simple, this campaign was a good fit for the business. It made sense to me to support it.

The alternative is to refuse this and other channel exclusive magazine engagement opportunities. That leads to only one place – the elimination of magazines altogether. If that is your goal, talk to a gift shop owner or or the owner of any other single or limited category of products. They will tell you they would love our everyday traffic drivers including magazines as it provides a traffic base from which to build a more valuable business.


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