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Less is more: a single message is more effective in retail

How many different retail messages are you pitching from the front of your shop? Too often in indie retail we see too many messages. This can confuse shoppers, resulting in them not noticing the messages you want noticed.

This photo is from a toy shop in London. I was there when they were having a sale. They had removed all other signage. The 20% off signs were it as far as posters in-store were concerned. There was no missing the offer, no other signs competing for shopper attention.

What this toy shop had is what I am talking about. A single message, repeated though the store. This is the best way to capture attention.

You do not have to have exactly the same collateral for the message to be the same.

Take a major season. You could have a them for collateral where a series of posters and signs are visually connected yet different as appropriate to each department in the business. Done properly they can represent a consistent message.

Here is my advice on VM that works in small indie retail:

  1. Keep messages to a minimum. Too many messages = lost messages.
  2. Repeat the single message through the business.
  3. Change your message regularly, at least monthly, probably more often.
  4. Present your message in different sizes and formats.
  5. Don’t use handwritten signs.
  6. Only put up supplier signs if they are appropriate to your business and will generate revenue for you.
  7. Keep all operational signs, such as refund signs, LayBy T&Cs etc in one place.
  8. Every few days stand at the front door, look in, and check for yourself how messages you are pitching to customers.

A visually busy shop does not ensure the shop will be successful.

Less really is more.

newsagency marketing

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