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When you choose a card company for your newsagency, choose for profit over friendship

Some card companies invest heavily in hiring people good at making prospective customers feel good. Often, they arm them with an expense account for lunches, dinners and coffees. They also give them some cash to splurge to buy your business, cash for fixtures and other things.

None of this matters if you end up with greeting card products that do not perform as well as products from another card company.

Be wary of card reps offering you lunch, dinner or cash to spend in your business.

Any company selling products that uses cash or ‘friendship’ to get you to buy from them should be viewed with skepticism in my opinion as these things take your focus form their products.

Historically, some of the big card companies in our channel built their retail network on ‘friendship’ and other ways of buying business. I know of retailers who subsequently switched card companies and benefited from double-digit sales growth.

Card sales are strong this year. Here is the topline summary data for one of my shops comparing the last month with the same period a year earlier.

Strong results: 16% up in unit sales and 10% up in revenue.

For everyday captions, the results are even better: up 31% in unit sales and up 27% in revenue. This growth achieved without a card company change – it’s the card company working with us to maximise the opportunity for both our businesses.

This is what matters, it is all that matters: growing revenue, and profitability, to make the business more valuable for all stakeholders. This matters more than a free lunch or some other glad-handing.

I know of a newsagency business that changed hands recently and within days a card company rep was in there greeting the new owners and inviting them out to dinner. The new owners, in their first ever business, felt loved and accepted the invitation. They didn’t think they might be schmoozed into a decision that may not have been in the best interests of their business. Thankfully for them they realised the game being played before they signed an agreement.

Prioritise suppliers who help you make more money in your business, they are more valuable to you than ‘friendship’ or a free meal.

Newsagency management

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