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I love last minute Christmas shoppers in the newsagency

Their eyes dart nervously, their movements a blur of panic. Yes, I’m talking about the last-minute Christmas shoppers, those adrenaline junkies who leave their festive preparations to the eleventh hour. They are typically male and can be aged anything from 18 to 80.

While they may emerge a few days before the big day, it’s in this last week that these thrill-seekers truly shine. They’re a joy to watch, a pleasure to serve (their gratitude is palpable), and a boon to our businesses. Some will buy anything.

I’ve seen plenty of these last-minute shoppers. I chatted with one who confessed to the thrill of the chase. One guy I spoke with loved the challenge of finding gifts for ten people in an hour. He refuses to shop before the last week. Another guy I spoke to had a list of names and an amount next to each. His method is to always go with the first idea – it’s better than them getting nothing he said.

We configure the shop to serve these last minute shoppers, placing products close so they can do the fast shop they want. It works a treat.

Last-minute shoppers are unique in my experience. They thrive on the chaos, the urgency, and the thrill of the chase. They’re a reminder that sometimes, the best-laid plans can go awry, and that a little spontaneity can add a lot of excitement to the holiday season. They make retail more interesting.

This Christmas season has been a resounding success.

Newsagency management

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