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Month: April 2008

Roller Boy is back

roller_boy.JPGThe Roller Boy pen, pen holder, clip, clock thing is back for the third or fourth time. We’re having success by placing the display bin in the photo in high traffic areas and moving it each day or two. We find Roller Boy works best when standing alone, without anything distracting nearby.

As with any impulse offer like this, the key is to get in, sell and not repeat too soon.


Recycling disposable magazine fixtures

recycle_stand.JPGThe cardboard magazine fixture under the wrapping in the photo is now four months old. It’s been on the shop floor every day since we received it. Two weeks after its initial purpose was done, we dressed the stand for another title, then another and another.

Girlfriend is the latest magazine to benefit from the stand. Travis at our Frankston newsagency is responsible for this piece of art.

We are committed to not only recycling unsold newspapers and magazines but also old fixtures – giving them many lives by re-dressing them appropriately for other titles.

It would be good for magazine publishers and distributors to encourage this recycling – why not offer a prize for the best every month, something to encourage newsagents to recycle these disposable fixtures more?

The particular stand we have used this week to support Girlfriend is ideal because it is well made. We also like it because it’s easy to move and place where we need it most.


Basildon Bond, who knew?


Basildon Bond is one of those brands which can be taken for granted by newsagents. I certainly have. While we have some of the range on our shelves – not enough – it is not treated with the respect it deserves. We don’t feature it in any way and I suspect that if we did we could achieve some sales growth. I suspect this is a brand newsagents could embrace without much competition.

While researching the brand I came across some interesting history at the Basildon Bond website:

The Basildon Bond brand was developed in 1911 by Millington and Sons, a London-based stationery manufacturer. The brand became the property of John Dickinson Stationery when Millingtons was acquired in 1918.

In reality, the brand name was arrived at purely by chance. In the summer of 1911, Millington‘s was considering the introduction of a new rag writing paper, and some of the directors of the company were staying at a country house in a little village in the Thames Valley in Berkshire. One of the matters arising was a name for this new paper brand. The directors decided to take the name from the house in which they were staying, Basildon Park. Therefore, it has no link with the more famous Basildon in Essex.

The website is a wealth of information and resources including an excellent link on the art of letter writing. It’s this information which adds value to the brand. We’re certainly looking at how we can use these resources to better promote the brand and increase our sales.


Australia Post milking the monopoly

ap_carpark.JPGThe photo is of a sign outside the government owned Australia Post retail shop at Forest Hill, in front of car park spaces reserved for Australia Post vehicles. To the left of this Australia Post car park is another spot painted in yellow and marked for Australia Post delivery vehicles.

I rarely see any more than one Australia Post vehicle in any of the spots set aside for the Government owned business. Sure, some plain looking cars could be for mail contractors but I suspect not all of them.

The privilege of this car park space right at their front door is another example of special treatment afforded Australia Post because of the monopoly protection it has from the Federal Government. If they want to take retail sales from small business newsagents, as they are doing, they ought to have these car parking and other protected privileges taken away.

Australia Post

Unfortunate jackpots

lottery_battle.JPGThe $20 million OzLotto jackpot this Tuesday is pulling focus from the $19 million Tattslotto Saturday coming up superdraw. It’s hard to upsell customers to a superdraw with an average first division payout of $1 million or less compared to the jackpot with an average first division payout ten times that. Oz is harder to win and fewer share in then first devision. Lottery customers know this and shop accordingly. I’d love Tattersalls and their national lottery partners to undertake in-store research as background to developing an alternative to the Saturday superdraw approach – we need something which works for the whole lottery category.


Making money from newspapers

The truth is that the newspaper business is still a huge industry and will be around in one form or another for the rest of my life. That is not to dismiss the declines, but only to note that there’s still a lot of money there and what is required is strategic change, not giving up the ghost.

This is Chris Anderson (editor of Wired magazine) writing at The Long Tail blog a few days ago about the financial situation for newspapers and how people can still make money from them.  It’s an interesting read.  Predictably, newspaper folks are talking up the post – see the McClatchy editors blog post on this subject.

What people forget is that industries peak at the top. Which is to say, at the very time that the first and second derivative people are writing off a business, those who can stand back and see the value still left in it can make a mint. Laugh at newspapers if you will, but I’ll bet some private equity firm out there is looking at the chart above and licking their chops.

There is not much in the post from an Australian newsagent perspective other than caution to not become a victim of the new generation of newspaper ownership.  Bean counters operate very differently to newspaper proprietors of yesteryear.  Lack of newspaper ownership diversity in Australia is protecting (not sure if that is the right word) us (for the moment) from what Anderson writes.

As a newsagent, at the end of the food chain, I want an equitable return from my labour and real-estate investment in newspapers.  I need annual growth – from increased sales, better margin or some other direct financial benefit.  I the growth is not achieved, the category loses ground and becomes of less interest – especially for shopping centre newsagents paying $1,000 per square metre of floor space and more.

Media disruption

Newsagents, publisher in court

It is good to see the case WA newsagents have against West Australian Newspapers finally get to court. The Australian had the story yesterday. This battle has been around for years, costing newsagents hundreds of thousands of dollars as they had to absorb increased wages and costs including fuel. No increase for ten years is appalling behaviour by a supplier.

News Ltd, the publisher of The Australian, ought to check its own record, it’s not a whole lot better than WAN. Kerry Stokes, WAN shareholder seeking a seat on the WAN Board, is quoted in the article as offering an alternative to newsagents:

“How about instead of this being just about you delivering papers and getting so much per paper, what say we take a base and we give you a much higher commission for every increased paper you sell?” Mr Stokes said. “So if you sell 1000 papers now, (and then) you sell 1100 papers, maybe we double the commission rate on the next 100. We’ve got to find ways to sell more newspapers and we’ve got to make sure we don’t send our suppliers broke. The system is inequitable.”

I like the sound of that – a supplier talking to newsagents as if they are business people and offering a remuneration based on achievement. It’s about time.

Newsagents are the most important channel to many suppliers yet we are treated as second class citizens through poor trading terms and poor service levels. But we’re not as organised as we could be so we may facilitate some of that shabby treatment.

Newsagency challenges

Donna Hay giveaway offer

dhay_gift.JPGDonna Hay is the magazine we are featuring in our giveaway space this week. This is the space we have reserved for magazines with what we consider to be the best giveaway in-store. The product is the hero in this display – that’s why we choose what we promote carefully. While displays like this don’t meet publisher requirements, they work.


Kudos to Coles online

coles_sticker.JPGWe do a weekly shop for my software company (biscuits, breakfast bars, candy etc) through Coles online.  Recently, Coles deliveries have been arriving with gifts. Yesterday – three packs of cereal, a large pack of chocolate candy and a jar of salsa. While I am sure the brands are funding this, the gifts make Coles look good.

When the only contact you have with a customer is the delivery, providing something, even a free sample, is a good way to develop the relationship. I guess it is best defined as under promise, over deliver.

Customer loyalty

Magazine publishers pursuing online

The Australian today published a story from The Wall Street Journal about the hot pursuit by some magazine publishers of technology firms which provide services which fit with their plans.  It’s an interesting read and demonstrates the importance of playing online for mainstream magazine publishers.  It also underscores the need for newsagents to stay abreast of the models being pursued by their traditional suppliers.


Losing small magazines

small_mags.JPGThe photo shows what a small magazine, around A5 in size, looks like in traditional newsagency fixturting.  While we can put a block of wood underneath to raise the cover, most newsagents don’t.  the title gets lost.  With more magazines opting for this smaller size it’s a challenge we need to address.


Pregnant feature

preg.JPGOne of our team decided to put this week’s NW together with a bunch of baby and pregnancy magazines – NW has a cover story about pregnant stars. The unlikely display is working.


Marketing your newsagency

I have written a brief paper to help newsagents engage in free marketing opportunities using point of sale software. While I have written this from the perspective of Tower Systems software, some of the facilities used for this free marketing will be available in other systems.

Newsagents have tremendous opportunities to promote what they want, they control various mediums which leverage existing excellent traffic in their businesses. This can be done for little or no cost and little or no labour involvement. My paper, How to market your newsagency using point of sale software, highlights these opportunities. While some of the ideas will be obvious to the reader, most are not used consistently and professionally by newsagents.

Newsagents can easily use mediums they control to pull people back to their businesses.

newsagency marketing

Compendium loves their customers

compendium_gift.JPGCompendium is a great company to do business with. They always go above and beyond. Every order comes with something extra – either a small gift or something free to help you better promote their products in store. They think of every detail.

The photo shows the free easter egg we received with an order last week. Where others would put an egg in the package, Compendium bagged it and included a tag so we understood the context of the gift: we LOVE our customers. This gift and others show us with every order that they love us. It makes us feel better about their product.

The Compendium rage works well in a newsagency, as an add-on gift for card purchases especially.

It’s great when you have a supplier providing excellent products with a good margin and being an absolute delight to deal with. Compendium sets a high benchmark among newsagent suppliers.

Customer Service

Passing People’s Friend on

pf_apr2.JPGI give my my mother a copy of each edition of People’s Friend and she shares this around with people in her village. One chap happy to read a copy used to work as a printer Scotland producing People’s Friend decades ago. He hadn’t seen the magazine for years and was surprised to find it circulating around the village. Readers of People’s Friend are a loyal bunch. It remains one of our top selling titles at Forest Hill, sitting in the middle of our top ten.


The entrepreneurial newsagent

On the back of the BRW article last week about New age newsagents in which I was privileged to participate, I am preparing a presentation for the QNF State Conference on April 22. My topic is Becoming an Entrepreneurial Newsagent.

Newsagencies are not the businesses they used to be. They cannot be. Collectively and individually we are evolving at a rapid rate. Complete new models and adjustments within the traditional model. But not enough of us are engaged in this journey.

My QNF presentation will consider what a Newsagency of the Future may look like and how we can get there.  I’ll be drawing on current newsagent benchmark and basket data as well as a range of external research.

newsagency of the future

Trading in the dark

Each of our newsagencies and two of our gift shops suffered multiple blackouts today as Melbourne was buffeted by extraordinary winds. We stopped counting blackouts after seven in a few hours.

At Frankston they shut the newsagency and started playing the Carry-On partwork DVD on a laptop using battery power.

The major retailers have a straightforward approach to blackouts, they close. It makes sense given the size of their floorspace. There are OH&S implications as well as the heightened risk of theft.

We left it up to the managers to make a local call as to whether to stay open. At Forest Hill we are at an entrance to the centre and have good natural light so it was easier. Elsewhere it was a wait and see game. Frustrating not only for us but other retailers and customers trying to shop.

Newsagency challenges

Magazine wraparound trash

mag_wrap.JPGWrap around advertisements and promotions are growing in popularity on weekly magazines.This week New Idea and Woman’s Day have promotions wrapped around the cover – lip balm from Amcal and coffee from McCafe respectively. I have two issues:

  1. When a magazine is put back on the shelf after browsing the wrap around catches and tears – making the magazine look damaged. Customers are less likely to purchase a copy with a damaged wraparound even if it is an advertisement or a promotion.
  2. The promotions pitched on these wraparounds usually require redemption elsewhere – McCafe and Amcal are this week’s partner retailers. While I understand this is part of the promotion, driving traffic to other stores, sometimes it does not work for the newsagent since traffic is being driven to competitors.

I know I can’t get the wraparounds dropped – I am guessing they are too valuable for the publishers. I wish there was a way for them to not get trashed when put back on the shelf. of course, in new style fixturing it does not happed as there is one deep shelf for 50 or so copies. However, newsagents don;t have that. They have pocket based fixturing and the reuslt is the magazines get trashed, and flyers get lost. This wastage must have a cost to the promotion.

I don’t feel the same about the wraparounds as I do abut the post-it ads on newspaper mastheads. Magazines are not the same as as a newspaper. Also, the wraparounds are on the lower corner of the magazine cover and not across the masthead or important news.


The merchandiser photographer

Publishers pay merchandisers to visit newsagencies and create displays to promote their titles. The merchandiser takes a photo as proof of the work done.

In one of my newsagencies, one merchandiser visits each week, photographs the display my team have already done and leaves. The visit is 90 seconds or less. I saw it myself recently. Not only is this merchandiser claiming our work as this but they are also denying us access to the additional materials they have available to support the titles involved.

We have reported the scam back to the publisher. Hopefully we will see some action soon.


Social responsibility and newsagents

Scoop NZ reports that OfficeMax in New Zealand is providing shredded paper for use as bedding at the Auckland zoo.

Lawson, a c-store chain in Japan, announced yesterday a plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 10% by 2012 – with 2006 emissions as the base.

More businesses are making moves on environmental matters.  Newsagents need to debate the moves they can make collectively.  We have enough challenges with groups like Planet Ark talking us down, we need to act to be relevant and socially responsible on environmental issues.

Newsagency challenges

Life in the A&R Whitcoulls Borders offer

There are plenty of rumors circulating about the future of Borders bookstores in Australia.  One is that the A&R Whitcoulls deal is not as dead as reported in the press.  Since it has regulatory approval in New Zealand and Australia the only issue appears to be the structure of the deal.

Book retailing

Learning from Easter

feggs.JPGDespite a stunning display, Easter eggs did not work as well at our Frankston store as we expected.

It was our first Easter since buying this business and eggs were a new category for the business. We did a best guess purchase and got it wrong. What is odd is that we took the same approach out at Watergardens and there it worked a treat.

While there are obvious demographic and store location differences, there are other boundaries for us to consider. The Watergardens shop-fit positions our business as having a broad product base. Our Frankston store, yet to be re-fit, is a traditional newsagency. This traditional fit is part of the issue – we need to not push the product mix boundaries too much until we reposition the overall business.

We have added other categories in Frankston with success since taking over: ink, plush and books. We felt invincible. The easter experience has been a lesson for us.

Easter has been a lesson – not only for the Frankston experience but also for the overall soft sales due to prices and weather.

We have $1,000 in eggs left. The sale started Thursday – this is the best day of the week for moving discounted stock.


Silly Stationers Supply

Stationers Supply, a warehouse supplying newsagents in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, has reportedly decided to remove 3M products from its product mix. This is nuts. 3M brands like Scotch, PostIT and Command are important to newsagents. For a warehouse to remove them will only harm the warehouse as newsagents will source what they need elsewhere.

UPDATE 02/04/08 (10:30AM) : Stationers management has reversed its earlier decision and will continue to stock 3M.  A 3M rep has contacted me and advised me of this this morning.

I have had a conversation with the MD of Stationers and he says he never made the decision about 3M in the first place.  Personally, I doubt this.

UPDATE: 02/04/08 (01:42PM):  Stationers Supply has contacted me again and threatened legal action if I do not remove this post altogether.  While I could do that it would not represent the events.  I heard through 3M yesterday about the decision – one of my newsagencies had been told.  I subsequently heard through 3M this morning that Stationers reversed their decision.  No legal threat can alter what happened.

Newsagency challenges

Retail tenancy size and newsagencies

Don’t believe what they say, size matters, it matters a lot when you have to pay the rent off the back of an old retail model built back when small was beautiful.

Landlords like big newsagencies – 250 square metres and above. The size isn’t a problem if a margin model can be built which supports the cost base.

Where newsagencies struggle is with margin for the lottery, magazine, newspaper and some confectionery categories. 25% or less does not cut it today. These products are usually supplied with a model which leaves the newsagent with less control over key business levers.

The 25% GP on newspapers and magazines was set decades ago, before the rents and sizes of today.

The only answer is for newsagents in these larger format businesses to devote less space to the 25% and less margin products and more to the products which provide opportunity and reward for entrepreneurial effort.

If landlords want these larger format traditional newsagencies and 25% and lower GP suppliers want to be represented in these spaces then something has to give otherwise we will see newsagents reject the opportunities.

I am aware of a couple of situations at the moment where the landlord wants a “traditional newsagency” and some suppliers will only permit their top selling products if a broader offer (read less successful products) is included in the mix. While smart newsagents use a lease consultant to navigate such challenges with the landlord, many do not and end up with a lease which does not work for the traditional model.

The market will ultimately decide how this plays out. The result will be a smaller hybrid newsagency with less of the traditional newsagency range. There will be pain for some who do not work the sums of occupancy cost.

When it comes to shopping centres inn Australia, size does matter for small business.

Newsagency challenges