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Selling paperback books

books_carinya.JPGFollowing a post here a few months ago a newsagent decided to add discount paperback books to their range.  In July they achieved $1,500 in sales using spare fixturing they had in their back room.  They are projecting a bottom line benefit of more than $5,000 for the 2008/09 financial year.  Discount paperbacks can be handled as simply as shown in the photo – I’ve found that a strong box works the best, located near an entrance.  What the photo does not show is the spare stock in a cavity under the shelf holding the display stock.

Book retailing

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  1. arb

    As someone who digs through discount paperback bins regularly, I should add that you must be careful not to overfill the bins. If I can’t easily flick through the titles to see what’s on offer, I’ll skip the books. The display in the photo looks ideal – the box is full enough, but not overfull – it would be easy to quickly scan the titles there. Some stores jam the books in too tight, which just makes it not worth the effort. ;^)


  2. MARK

    With discount paperbacks can you provide some suggestions concerning suppliers. I’ve heard you need to be very careful with who you get to supply this type of product.



  3. mark

    Mark we use Carinya in Victoria for these products. I know newsXpress recommends Australian Book Wholesalers. Mark Fletcher


  4. John Rees

    Re your comment of suppliers Axiom Distributors are also very good. Have a look at their website. JR


  5. MARK

    John and Mark thanks for the suggestions. Will follow these up.




  6. eric

    i just started seliing paperback after stop selling them over 5years. i find it they do sell well again now. I start selling them because also there is a casual discount bookseller on the centre court and they sell aww cook book for $8 while I got from ACP $9 wholesale which upset me alot. So to take revenge now I sell paperback too and with big dump bin and full pile of them and customers are attracted to them.


  7. eric

    we do sell alot of aww cook books, but i urge you all do not order ACP special cook book issues which are not returnable. not only because of that , also Big W sell them less than our wholesale price. ACP is great aren’t they?


  8. Fred Caruso

    To all the newsagents in SA and NT, you can have a better book display than those shown in the photos from your local book supplier which also has stationery, toys, cd’s and dvds at better margins than you will get anywhere else. If you are an interstate newsagent we are willing to ship anywhere in Australia freight free.
    Give us a call on 08 8354 0988.


  9. Peter

    I am just wondering what is the typical margin generated from paperbacks… We currently do not stock, but are looking at starting to get in…


  10. Shaun

    Peter we did our first run of novels at the beginning of the month i only did it for a 2 week period because i like to change the shop around all the time with what goes out on the table .They went really well but i found when we were down to our last 50 books they just stopped selling and i think this is because people think it is more of a bargain when there are a lot of item displayed . the margin varies depending on if they are sold as a deal or a single item .


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