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Vogue magazine sell out

The 50th anniversary isseu of Vogue is a sellout in each my my newsagencies and many others based on the calls and emails I have received.  Indeed, given how soon this special issue sold out in the on-sale, I suspect that News Magazines could have sold at least 20% more copies.

The Vogue anniversary issue is an excellent example where the Sales Based Replenishment program from ACP Magazines would have helped the title achieve its true potential.  With SBR, sales dictate where additional stock is sent based on a clever predictive model.

I am pleased with the success of Vogue but frustrated that extra stock is not readily available to satisfy demand.


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  1. Bario

    I too have sold out a few days ago but before that, rang NDD for extras , and was told no more stock available.


  2. Heather

    I did get 10 extra Vogue by asking the website for extras at about 9am the day they went on sale. Have sold every copy, then yesterday a fashion plate customer wanted each of the three covers and the hard-back book, and was quite annoyed I couldn’t produce them for her instantly. I suggested she try her usual newsagent lol ……..


  3. Michael

    hi all,
    Had to comment on this. I find it frustrating NDD that we recieve bucket loads of crappy triple packs that barely move and take up valuable space all the time with return dates 6 months plus yet when a GOLDEN title appears we get stuff all copies, sell out in 2 days and cant order more because some dote didnt print enough. Wow great magazine management guys. pff


  4. mary

    publishers are dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.


  5. Chris

    I wrote to the Editor of Vogue via email about the current issue on Monday the 10th congratulating her on a fabulous title. I also mentioned the problem with not enough supply.
    It is now Friday the 14th and still no response to my email.



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