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Herald Sun DVD promotion a winner

news_dvds.JPGThe Discovery Channel DVD promotion with the Herald Sun is popular and driving sales.  It is the kind of newspaper promotion which works well for newspapers.  It also works for newsagents because we are setup to manage fulfillment.  Even though margin is not what we would like we are happy for the guaranteed trafffic commitment.

Newspaper marketing

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  1. Peter

    we have this promo starting this sunday 15th in NSW. I am interested to hear how other newsagents manage these short term putaways?

    do you set them up in retailer as new customers and a proper putaway every day for the period of the promo?

    in the past we have just had a manual system to track whats what.



  2. Peter

    make that saturday 14th


  3. Shayne

    Hopefully here in NSW we will be given extra papers to sell. We asked for extra for the twilight poster last Saturday and were refused. What’s the point of these promotions if not to drive exta sales?


  4. Andrew

    We only do putaways for home delivery customers.


  5. kellie

    we do not put any of these dvd’s away any more, we have in the past and found it a problem, customers would ask for them and then they don’t come back to pick them up we found it a nightmare so now we tell them we are not keeping them or they pay for the paper and the dvd up front for the whole of the series we also have customers come in and argue with us that they get the dvd’s from other newsagents with out needing to buy the paper,which i believe the idea is to sell more papers


  6. Mark

    We get them to pay up front. Easy.


  7. Peter

    I was burnt with the forst series like this when i bought my newsagency. now we ask customers to pay up front for the paper and the dvd. I say that we have to collect the tokens because we thats what we have been told to do, and that we have to send them in. customers HAVE to buy a paper each day. otherwise….. whats the point. 20c on the dvd, or 45c including the paper GP. its easy with so many things to make the publishers the bad guys. “they make us send in the tokens” easy.



  8. Bruce

    Being a Newsagent sometimes requires extreme tolerance and a good sence of humour. Due to a delivery failure, we have no Herald DVDs today to offer our customers. And it is in demand – it has been heavily promoted on the TV in Sydney this week. In addition, today’s Sunday Tele was over 2 hours late on both drops. So when we opened the shop, we had Heralds (but no DVDs) and no Teles but a big box full of their free DVD to give away. You just have to keep smiling. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!


  9. Alan


    your lucky with 2 hours. 1st drop 630 2nd drop 930.

    I’ll be topping teles for a while


  10. B

    Maybe we’re just lucky but we never seem to have any trouble getting people to buy the paper to get their giveaways.

    We did have a little trouble (just a few confused customers) with the Simpson’s toys. (People thought they got it free with the paper and the token.) We did the same, blamed the publisher.


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