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Tips on how to use Facebook to promote your newsagency

gympie.JPGBeing on Facebook can help a newsagency build its profile in its local community and beyond.  Facebook is about connecting people who know each other and with common interests. There are several newsagencies already using facebook with terrific success.  The photo shows how newsXpress Gympie promotes their Facebook page out on the street in front of their store.

A good business Facebook page:

  • Takes you behind the scene at the business.
  • Provides a place where customers and their friends can communicate.
  • Humanises the business.
  • Shares opportunities.
  • Promotes community projects.
  • Thanks employees and customers
  • Shares the retail narrative.

Each of these goals and activities can be achieved through wall posts on the business page. It is simple – as Facebook itself is. Once you start a Facebook page, however, you need to work at it, keep it going. People join to find out more and if you stop providing this they will soon fade away.

To build your Facebook friend numbers you will need to promote your business page. This is done in a variety of ways:

  1. Print your Facebook member details on your business card, make it easy for people to find you.
  2. Include details on your newsletter.
  3. Include a promotional note about your page on your printed receipts.
  4. Place a sign in the store window – browsers may see this when the store is closed.
  5. Have a sign made for the back of business vehicles.

The best way to grow your Facebook presence is to become friends with others. This broadens the pool accessible to you.

The best use of Facebook is to tell stories about the business for it is through well written stories that the narrative of the business is expressed.

Tell stories about your people, special events, seasons… anything which provides a more complete picture about the business, its points of difference and why it is a good place to visit.

Don’t overwrite, keep it simple and keep it personal.  The better people get to know you the more they will feel connected to the business.  Don’t try an sell stuff.

Newsagents should embrace the Facebook opportunity and be prepared to learn more about your business and your customers along the way.

Newsagency opportunities

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  1. why

    There could be another opportunity there as well Mark.A lot of the facebook games deveoped by third parties are free, but if you want to progress at a faster rate in them, or move to higher levels, you are able to buy credits in the game to then exchange for items.Certainly in the US, 7Eleven sell cards/vouchers for the games developed by Zynga.I don’t know if Australian 7elevens sell these, there isn’t one anywhere near me.Perhaps you could approach Zynga (and others) about getting on board with our voucher system?


  2. Aaron

    A lot of online games (especially mmorpgs) have physical vouchers/credits which can be bought in-store. Unfortunately they don’t seem to be available in a lot of places that stock the voucher physically in Australia, only online.


  3. David

    Good advice Mark. I have been using Facebook for a few months and the tips you have provided are spot on based on my own experience.


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