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Using The Block and Better Homes and Gardens to drive impulse purchases

mags-impuulse-block.JPGIn addition to the placement out the front of the newsagency, acing into the mall, we have The Block and Better Homes and Gardens placed at the counter, between our two main newspapers.

My reasoning behind this is that there will be some shoppers who did not see the titles at the entrance yet who will purchase either or both titles on impulse.  Thanks to this simple placement at the counter we have achieved additional sales of both titles.  Very nice indeed.

We can act in an average way with magazines, high profile brands especially, and achieve average results.  By acting as  a specialist, we can achieve above average results.  This is what we need to to if we are to make the most of magazine opportunities especially.


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  1. shaun s

    My second lot of the block arrived today , not that they have been huge sales but sales anyway . definantly work best with BHG which normally would have only sold on there own mix these 2 with burks back yard and all 3 shopuld go together


  2. Kate

    I also put some Belle Magazine (featured heavily on the show) on our display and moved some issues which probably would not have sold before the new issue on wednesday.


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