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October is too early for Christmas carols

At a shopping mall in Manilla last week I heard Christmas carols being broadcast to the shoppers – two and a half months out from Christmas.  Seriously!  Maybe they get in early so that they can start easter promotions at the end of December.


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  1. manilaboy

    once you get to the *ber months (september, october, november ,december) people start their christmas festivities.
    check out the christmas lantern shops on the sideroads.


  2. hz

    Mark you’ve been in Manilla ( or the Phillipines) several times lately – is this the latest manufacturing hub, China being too expensive – just curious.
    It is quite a Catholic country I believe ( from history), which goes someway to explaining the emphasis on Christmas culturally. Doesn’t go down so well here, my regular customers are VERY vocal (read CRANKY) about Xmas happening before the Melb Cup is run – even so, I have both single and boxed Australiana
    cards on display already, but neither satisfied a customer this afternoon. I referred her to my rival newsagent, Myer, Dymocks and the Reject Shop – good luck to her – win some, lose some.


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