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What are you selling the Phantom Christmas # 1620 for?

The EDI file for Phantom Christmas 1620 had a price of $3.00.  The $A price printed next to the barcode on the cover shows a $A price of $5.50.  A call to Gotch has revealed that they have realised the mistake, credited us for the wrong low price and invoiced us for the higher right price.  Gotch did this without telling us.  In the meantime we have sold copies at the low price.  Now we have to chase being compensated for this mistake by gotch.

The lack of communication to newsagents on this is frustrating.

Newsagents should check their Phantom stock and contact Gotch to ensure they are not out of pocket.

UPDATE (12:56PM) : Gotch has advised that they will look into compensating us for the sales we have made at the lower price.

magazine distribution

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  1. Y&G

    At least ‘compliance’ means they can track down all those sales and rectify, yes?


  2. David Backholer

    This is serious. I rang Gotch customer service about this matter and they turned a blind eye to it saying that I should not have received it.

    They in fact would not even listen to my reasoning or cause for concern.

    I too have sold copies at the wrong price.

    Come on Gotch – you are better than this.


  3. Narelle

    Thanks for the heads-up Mark. Checked our stock & found we don’t have this issue. Just arrived our titles for tomorrow & will be receiving it then (at the correct price).
    Wonder why there would be a 1 week difference between delivery?


  4. David Backholer

    Narelle. Turns out that we should have received No 1619 which has a RR price of $3.00.

    The sorters at Gotch grabbed the wrong magazines to send to Newsagents. They sent No 1620 RR $5.50 instead of No 1619 with RR $3.00


  5. Ads412

    Glad to hear that we are not the only store this happened to. They informed us that there would be no refund and put the blame on us!!!
    Haven’t followed this up yet as we have had a few bigger issues this week, like the Tatts upgrade!


  6. thuc tran nguyen

    we get it tomorow with the correct price. A week later for WA newsagency.


  7. Allan Wickham

    They will LOOK into it hey?
    I had a mate years ago we nicknamed “Mirrors”……he wasnt qualified but he would look into it for you”………LOL !!!!!



  8. Lance

    “”Gotch has advised that they will look into compensating us””

    How jolly decent of them hey peolpe.
    Aren’t they just wonderful to go to all that trouble.



    R’cvd 8 sold none to date, due to the cock up they had not been given to our put away customers (fortunately).
    Do GG appreciate just how dangerous it is to upset a Phantom collector…….


  10. Keith

    Simple mistake handled very poorly by Gotch. Typical.


  11. Mark

    Yes, Keith, very poorly handled by Gotch. This is a company which bitches about newsagents to suppliers, complaints that we don’t get data right and when they make mistakes they either deny or go to ground.

    All they had to do was admit the error, apologise, make amends and communicate this to all affected newsagents.


  12. Helen

    Well there’s another few dollars I have to chase from G&G. Thanks for alerting me Mark. No thanks for keeping the secret G&G. xchangeit says that my data is bad and they will fine me with a higher fe. Why can’t I fine G&G for this and their other stuff ups which cost me money?


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