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Morrison Media opens 2012 newsagent survey

Morrison Media, the publisher of successful magazine titles like frankie, has announced the start of their 2012 newsagent survey. Click here to find out more.

Their pitch to newsagents is compelling:

We truly value your input. This is your platform to have your thoughts and opinions heard. Be part of something that truly shapes the relationships and future of publishers, distributors and newsagents.

I’d encourage newsagents to engage with this. You need to register by April 30, 2012.

magazine distribution

Join the discussion

  1. Narelle

    Done – thanks for letting us know about this.


  2. Luke

    Apart form this blog, how are newsagents going to find out about this, or is it for “proactive newsagents across Australia” only. In the 20 odd yrs we have owned our newsagency I can count on 1 hand the amount of publishers that have directly communicated with me and still have enough fingers left over to hold a ciggie.

    Thanks for the link Mark, we will get involved finally.

    To say they do not have our contact details is rubbish as their dist have them all our emails.


  3. Derek

    Luke, you are right, in the survey I did ask MM to collate a Email address distribution list. I really do not think any Distributor would give them our details – Privacy issues (But probably because its a Control thing)


  4. Luke

    Derek, When it suits them they send us emails so they do have access to our addresses, if not how about sending a letter to the address on the magazine delivery label, you know the place that sells their mags?


  5. SHAUN S

    I received an email , i did the last survey so i presume that is why


  6. Luke

    I understand they sent emails to a selection of newsagencies last yr to do the survey and Shaun S you were one of these but what good is a survey when they pick and choose who they talk to, would this not taint the results?

    Would you not rather want to hear from the ones that have low sales and find out if there is anything you can do to improve sales or why they do not stock your mags at all?

    It would be like me only talking to my good regular customers and then saying we are doing the best we can but ignoring those customers that are not happy or also shop elsewhere and could offer us good insights on how to improve what we do (and we all have these customers).

    This survey should give them a better look as newsagents like me can now access it via this blog, good work to who ever linked it here either Mark or the people at MM.


  7. shauns

    luke you are wrong it is not just for the ones with sales for your4 info i only sell one copy of frankie a month and i think thats about all i sell of there magazines . I did the survey last time i think from a link on here (from memory) i don’t think they emailed to ask me to join in the first time ,i opted to join in because even though i do not sell there mags i like the way they want to engage with newsagents


  8. Luke

    So no one form MM contacted you Shaun, you had to find them? Goes to what I am saying does it not “for your4 info”.


  9. Shauns

    Sorry Luke didn’t think I would offend you by saying your info , I was simply telling you that you have got it all wrong about only those with good sales as my sales are very poor .always like it when the first thing people do on here when they don’t like what you say is pick up on spelling mistakes. Have a field day Luke because my spelling and typing is shocking .anyway do the survey and stop being a sook about not getting a personal invitation


  10. Alf Santomingo

    Thanks everyone to date for your early interest.

    Luke: Unfortunately, we don’t personally have every Newsagents email address and contact details, but, like we organised last year, we have scheduled to promote the newsagent survey via other resources up until April 30. This includes a scheduled email on behalf of our distributor and investing in printed promotion and delivery.

    We are always open and interested in hearing directly from as many newsagents as possible and even set up a dedicated publisher/newsagent platform in early 2011. I’m sure you agree that the more feedback and interest from you and other businesses (big and small) the better. Not to get all holistic on you, but the less assumption and more questions asked, the more we can achieve.

    Please note: We speak to everyone who shows interest and do not “pick and choose” who we talk to.
    The term “proactive newsagents” is reflected by those who take the valuable time out of their day to connect and engage with us, which you obviously have done.

    I know my response above was a bit long winded, so here’s the short (my version of short) and curly part.

    There’s 4,000 (approx) newsagents spread across 7,617,930 km2 in Australia.
    Q: So, how do you eat an elephant as big as Australia?
    A: One frigg’n table spoon at a time.
    You Hungry?

    You and I know that not every newsagent/person is the same. Not every business model works for every business and not every magazine sells like the newsagent next door.

    Like other publishers (niche and mass), we are doing our best to understand how best to connect, engage and grow our business with you… just like you do with your customers and demographic.

    So, if you have something constructive and viable to say to publishers, distributors and other newsagents, I urge you to get in touch, any way you can, one contact at a time.


  11. Mark Fletcher

    I’d need to search but I am pretty sure I promoted the last survey on this blog.


  12. Shauns

    Well that’s how I figure I found out about it .that is what I was trying to tell the spell checker,and also that it is not MM that selected the individual newsagents but those that showed interest and signed up for it


  13. Luke

    Calm down Shaun we all make mistakes when we get excited


  14. Brendan

    I’ve begun collecting a data base of my customers who are willing to be part of it, it”s slow and a lot of work…my point is, Alf has the same task ahead and deserves our support for his efforts.
    Rather than being negative about his initiative just go to the link Mark provides and get involved. This is how I found out about the first survey and Alf now has my details for future contact. We should all benefit one way or the other by participating.


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