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52% increase in supply of Moshi Monsters magazine

The magazine experts at Gordon and Gotch have increased our supply of the Moshi Monsters magazine by 53% with the latest issue which went on sale yesterday.  We received five copies for two issues and sold out so they increased us to twelve copies and sold out then they cut us to eleven copies and sold our. Next, we received seventeen copies and returned ten copies. Next, with the latest issue we received twenty six copies.

So, I am wondering if there is a special promotion we have missed or some other reason not obvious to us for the supply increase.

Magazine distributors should not be allowed to send such a supply increase without our permission, not in any circumstance. It’s my money, my retail space, my labour. They have no right to take here resources from me on this scale.

Other publishers please take note of this. If you’re a Gotch customers, ask why the increase in supply and ask Gotch what they communicated with us. If I have missed something then I’ll apologise. If there is no reason and no missed communication then Gotch owes me an apology and an immediate credit.

magazine distribution

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  1. wally

    yayyyy!!!! i have found something that I sell more of than your shop. Gotch have done the same to me but in fairness I have sold out each time they have increased my supply on this mag. Last month was the first time i returned some. It does seem ridiculous to increase by that much tho.


  2. Garry

    Beat this

    1st 6 ask for 6 more total 12 ret 2
    2nd 13 ret 2 about right
    3rd 10 ret 1
    4th 10 ask for 4 more total 14 ret 3
    5th 8 ask for 4 more total 12 ret 3
    6th 25

    100% increase

    After 13 years of this I just smile and move on to the next joke from GG or Network

    As you can see 12 is about the right supply So why supply 25 I guess they know something I don`t and are not willing to share this information with me


  3. Bill

    So here we are, on the 23rd of the month, and Network sends us 1452 NRL cards at a net price of $1450 plus another $300 worth of albums. Will we sell them all? Perhaps but it will take us all season to do it. They weigh heaps so it will cost us too much to send half back. In the meantime, we will have to find the funds (and the storage space) because Network treats us appallingly yet again.


  4. shaun s

    are they doing delayed billing on these , i thought they did last year ,might be wrong about that


  5. Garry

    Can someone at ACP tell me why my WD been cut back from 102 to 47 and NW from 32 to 12

    Would it have to do with the multi pack of WD NW and OK Which I`m getting 7

    And could you please explain to my subs why they have no supply of WD and NW tomorrow.

    I would image Coles and Woolies have also been cut by 50% also.

    Check your supply of WD for tomorrow.


  6. h

    We are also on a WD slash and cut cycle atm – there is no rhyme or reason for this stuff…….. I just try my hardest to get the Saturday/Sunday customers turned on to some other title. My TWO multipacks go nowhere saleswise…..


  7. Mark Fletcher

    Our Woman’s Day is okay.


  8. SHAUN S

    My WD order is the usual


  9. Garry

    Must me a ACT thing as I have check with a few newsagency in the ACT and they have been cut by 50% or more


  10. andy

    got 37 wd normally get 70 sold out at 10am newcastle


  11. Garry

    Just spoke to network customer service

    Their spin is everyone was cut and it went on previous sale figures.


  12. peter stewart

    our WD is OK, last week we had a bulk go missing and replacement didnt arrive till wednesday…… im worried that because there is a stack of returns (mon tues sales are 80% for WD) that next week we will be cut.,


  13. DM

    We normally get about 230 copies of WD and where cut back to 90. Told by Network customer service we where cut back because of the bundled magazines. I received 13 copies of the bundled magazines. That leaves me very short of WD and a lot of lost sales. Poor effort from ACP.


  14. shaun s

    we do not well have not got any bundeld magazines so maybe that is the diference and i prefere not to get them


  15. BrettS

    WD Normally 80 today 31 sold out at 10am
    Bundle only 2
    Bad form ACP


  16. Brendan Mason

    You would think that SBR should correct any short deliveries??


  17. Shauns

    SBR is useless for weekly titles if you are any distance from the warehouse .ifni was short today or sold out today I would not receive anything until Friday or next Monday


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