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Q&A on e-commerce parcel pickup service for newsagents

The ParcelPoint parcel pickup service which I announced here yesterday has generated tremendous interest from newsagents. This genuine first for the newsagency channel offers an excellent opportunity for newsagents to leverage their national retail footprint and offer anyone doing business online and shipping parcels a way to resolve the costly problem of home delivery.

Freight companies factor in a cost for missed deliveries to private addresses. This is where ParcelPoint steps in as it provides a local secure pick up place for small parcels. Newsagency opening hours makes them ideal for offering the service.

I have been asked several questions which I answer here for all to see:

Why is ParcelPoint good for newsagents? It leverages our existing retail network to provide a service for e-commerce businesses and eBay customers. This connects newsagents with the fastest growing retail sector. It will drive customer traffic.

What’s special about Parcel Point? It is logistic company agnostic. That is, it is not a service restricted to one freight company.

What’s the risk for newsagents? None. It costs nothing to participate, training is done online, the signage and other requirements are straight forward.

Is the extent of the ParcelPoint service what we see today? No, what has announced so far is the first step. The stronger the newsagent network the broader the services it can offer.

Do I need to provide much space? No. ParcelPoint is for small parcels.

What due diligence did you do? I have been tailing with the folks behind ParcelPoint for some months. I was introduced by someone I trust. The company has a good mix of backers and has brought on a skilled team to drive the business.

Why is it exclusive to Tower Systems? ParcelPoint is integrated with the Tower software. This saves newsagents time and cuts mistakes. With the largest newsagent network in the country, the Tower network was a logical starting place.

Newsagency management

Join the discussion

  1. Derek

    Useful info – I can understand compliance is a must. Its a win for customers, I can tell you, how many times have I had to go to the Australia Post Outlet because I am busy during delivery times and pick it up. If I have the opportunity, it would be ideal to pick my parcel up Thursday night or even Saturday or Sunday. Would you know who will be offering ParcelPoint as a option for delivery other than the ones mentioned?


  2. eric

    i join it few months ago and i think it is a win for newsagency. iT IS MUCH BETTER THAN wESTERN UNION IN TERM OF PAPERWORK OR COMMISSION.


  3. Bavid Backholer

    Correction: It saves some Newsagnets money not all Newsagents.


  4. Nicole

    Brilliant work Mark.
    Count me in.


  5. David Backholer

    Those of you that have POS Browser will have access to Parcel Point soon.


  6. Brendan

    Great David, now you can abuse them for not going through the associations.


  7. Mark Fletcher

    David, no.


  8. Paul

    OK, I’ll be the bunny and ask, but who is David Backholer and why do you David/does he seem to have a particularly negative interest in this ?


  9. Mark Fletcher

    David is the owner of Hampton East newsagency, long term POS Solutions fan and someone who is passionate about his view of businesses which trade under the newsagency shingle.


  10. Mark

    David if you are a POS Solutions fan, the fact that you are reading this blog and leaving such negative comments means you know how much better Tower is than POS and the only way you can feel better about yourself is to attack the innovation of Mark and the team at Tower.


  11. Mark Fletcher

    Correction david all newsagents – through our Point of Sale software as well as through our free to all eziPass electronic voucher platform.


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