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Promoting to EFTPOS shoppers

We have copied an idea from a colleague and are promoting a product at each EFTPOS terminal on the counter. With EFTPOS users looking at the terminal, products we promote here are likely to be noticed.  The key will be to choose items easily purchased on impulse.

I like this new promotional space and can think of plenty of impulse purchase items I’d like to promote here – for customers to notice when they are processing their credit card.

Promoting products at key customer touch points can drive basket depth.

Right now we are promoting The Blob, a clever iPhone, sat. nav. and iPad stand being sold exclusively through newsXpress.

newsagency marketing

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  1. ScottM

    any word on if/when tyro will be moving to the contactless/tap and go system?


  2. allan wickham

    I too am going to “borrow” this idea……Brilliant !


  3. Brendan

    An easy way to prominently promote product. The message would need to be kept fresh but this is easy done.

    Tap and go concerns me. We have gone from ensuring the signature is correct to a better method of pins but now go towards a method with no check and balances. Even though the banks say they will cover any fraud we all know that in the end we pay for this.


  4. rick

    had tried this, but found customers had trouble swiping their cards, i know and you know its not that hard, but try getting the general public to work it out.


  5. Jarryd Moore


    Tap & Go has been around for a while now. The banks cover the cost because the transaction values are relatively low. They banks receive additional income from both an increase in the use of their electronic payment platform and decreased use of hard-cash (which means they get to hold more money for longer).

    A very large list of major retailers in Australia have now had the technology for a while. Many also have the pin-less low transaction (where customers don’t have to use a pin for any transaction under approx $35)

    Every major mobile phone manufacturer is either planning to implement NFC (the technology that allows people to use their phone for Tap & Go), or has already done it. Mastercard has an app that will be available in Aus by the end of the year. Visa launched theirs in the UK for the Olympics. NFC is the real aim – to eliminate plastic credit cards (and any other cards you carry) all together.


    I can’t tell from the photo, but I assume that the product is close by (or even adjacent to the terminal)?


  6. Mark Fletcher

    yeah,m product next to it. I think it would also work as long as it;s in a well anchored location in-store.


  7. Rick

    umm, if the customer is using eftpos, swiping cards, pushing buttons, they’re already finalising the sale, completing the transaction.
    too late for add-ons.


  8. Mark Fletcher

    Rick never let your own barriers get in the way of someone spending money in your business.


  9. Paul

    Rick I find that quite often someone completing an eftpos sale and who sees something else they like on my counterfront will then pay for that add on item with cash to save double swiping their card.

    It’s surprising the number of Sunlight Butterflies I sell this way as they sit right in front of the eftpos terminal !


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