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  1. Cuddles

    Exclusive private boys school lectures on gender equality.

    Anyway just heard a loud bang in the room where I keep my irony meter.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    That is one way to look at it Cuddles. The other way is to watch the whole video and take it on face value.

    All my education was in public schools. I have no private school envy.


  3. Jenny

    Cuddles Sydney Boys High School is a selective public high school (not private) in inner Sydney.
    Entrance is by exam not wealth.
    Impressed with these young men and their attitude.


  4. Ken

    I would like to see young men of this calibre in politics. they are intelligent, articulate, caring and morally uncorrupted. so different from the self serving elitist garbage that walks the halls of power at present


  5. Mark Fletcher

    I agree Ken and Jenny.


  6. Cuddles

    Sydney Boys High School is a selective public high school (not private) in inner Sydney.

    Well that just makes it worse.

    Why is the State segregating students because of their genitals?


  7. Jessie Sellar

    Cuddles, I think the state is providing a balance in education choices for students, some people will thrive in a co-sex learning environment, others in single sex, just as some students will excel in a school which focus’s on the arts, or sport or academics or even special needs.
    The point is the state has a responsibility to provide a variety of options for students and families to allow them to succeed. Gone are the days that parents need to pay for specialist education as a wide variety of learning opportunities are available through the public system.
    This is a good thing.


  8. Cuddles

    Jessie I actually agree with what you have written, however the original video is about gender equality.

    I accept that in some situations inequality produces the best outcomes (as does anyone if you support single sex, selective education).

    But if Internet Social Justice Warriors are fair dinkum about gender equality in society then it has to be all of society.

    There would be outrage if a woman couldnt join the defence forces or a man was unable to undertake nursing (although deep down we all know that certain jobs are best for blokes but shhh dont want to appear sexist).

    Therefore I am unable to see why schools get a pass and we just accept this.


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