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Promoting Better Homes & Gardens

bhg-july2010.JPGWe are promoting Better Homes & Gardens at the counter for the next few days – until Monday. The simple display is mounted on a piece of slat-wall covering one of our computers.  We also have a full waterfall in with home and living titles as well as two pockets atop our weekly magazines.  Better Homes & Gardens continues to be a stand-out title while many other titles are experiencing tough times.

Once Better Homes comes off the counter display we will shift to an in-location display.  Then, we will move to a display with newspapers.  All of this movement generates excellent sales.


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  1. Mt Morgan News

    We display BH&G each month as you have , and then we sit back on Friday night and listen while we are told how much cheaper and easier it is to subscribe and we can get free gifts aswell.
    Makes you wonder why we support mags like this .


  2. Mark

    We don’t hear that at all. I’d expect that subscriptions for B&HG account for less than 30% of total sales. I’m okay with that.


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