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Do you chase extra magazine product?

We sold out of the latest issue of The Essential Guide to iPad and chased extra stock and have this on the shelf now thanks to Network Services. I am curious about how often newsagents chase extra stock.  If you don’t chase it, is this because you don’t are or are tired of there never being any stock?

If it’s a title we know we will sell we don’t accept an out of stock response. Most times we do this and chase harder we get the stock. Sales grow as a result.

magazine distribution

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  1. Luke

    We try and chase up extra stock as needed but find that we are more often then not being told they have no more stock available on a range of titles not just small but majors as well. We rang this Monday and was told there was only 2 extra copies of NI available for resupply in the whole country, we were told Frankie was out of stock last week, the list goes on and you cannot increase supply without 2 weeks notice. We were dropped of the radar for Big league this yr so I cannot get any stock until the end of the month as we need to put in a start supply then wait. Also because we are non metro we have to wait until the next delivery day at the earliest for resupply (mon, wed, fri) so if we sell out on Monday then no more stock until Wed if not Friday.

    I’m a bit frustrated this morning as i was waiting for mags to arrive that were reordered and as you can guess they did not show.


  2. Alf Santomingo

    Morning Luke.

    Alf here from Morrison Media.
    (We publish frankie, Smith, Riptide, Surfing life…)

    Can you please get in contact with me directly in regards to being told that there was/is no floor stock of frankie available for you to replenish your store with?



  3. Bill

    Imagine if allocations were done to sales history and a buffer was kept in reserve for pro-active newsagents to pull on. Ah I must be dreaming….


  4. June

    How would we all (newsagents) appreciate
    our publishers/distributors more if they
    all took a leaf out of Alf Santomingo’s book (Frankie, Smith etc).
    Sales would increase – morale would be boosted – altogether a win/win
    Thanks Alf – you are a proactive publisher
    and we thank you for that.
    Frankie is one of my success stories and
    you have played your part in that, by getting
    me extra stock and diaries etc when I was
    told there was none.
    We need to have more Alfs in our midst


  5. Narelle

    Extra stock? I can’t even get the original stock I need!
    1. Big League: Parcel ‘lost’ for every edition so far this year – & of course, no additional stock available.
    2. Unique Cars: Bulk of 9 ‘lost’, no additional stock available. But then we receive 2 SBR emails a few days apart from Network saying they are sending 1 EXTRA copy due to sales!! Gofigure.

    Why is it always the mags that we can sell that are lost rather than the ones that are returned month after month.


  6. JONO

    Sorry for off topic, we sold out of AFL prospectus 2012 – 13 copies and netonline out of stock, i ring them up and they out as well. Anything we can do?


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