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Month: July 2011

Promoting Cleo magazine

magcleojul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Cleo magazine with this display at the entrance out our magazine department. The eye shadow gift is excellent value. We know that we are better off displaying this with a full face display than in the traditional newsagency magazine where the gift would be lost.

It feels to me like magazine publishers are investing more in these free gifts than a few years ago. They also appear to be investing more in how the gifts are attached to their products. Either that or I am mellowing.


Just (finally) read: Man Bites Murdoch

guthriebook.jpgI bought Man Bites Murdoch by former Herald Sun Editor Bruce Guthrie in October last year.  Unfortunately it sat in a pile of other books I want to get to.  While I read a book a week, for some reason I never picked Man Bites Murdoch up.  That changed this week. I have just finished the book. It is interesting to read it in the context off the still unfolding UK phone hacking scandal.  It is quite different to Michael Wolff’s book, The Man Who Owns The News, which I read last year.

This blog rates a fleeting mention in Guthrie’s book, on page 313.

In Man Bites Murdoch Bruce Guthrie takes us through his years working for News Limited, over two stints and other highlights of his career.  While the subsequent unfair dismissal action brought by Guthrie against News speaks for itself, the book provides an excellent first person insight into the culture of News Limited from the perspective of a senior executive who was once feted, lauded and then cut down.

Many distribution newsagents are concerned about what is planned for newspaper distribution. The concern is reflected in the price now being paid for newspaper home delivery territories and the desire of many to exit.

If we think about the lack of fairness demonstrated through cover price control, the handling of Guthrie, the UK phone hacking scandal, the biased and poor quality reporting of the climate change debate and the master / slave type relationship between publisher and newsagent, I can understand why newsagents are concerned.

Yes, it may be a stretch to connect these separate matters together.  For me, however, the go to the heart of what the company is prepared to do the the company,  This, after all, is their obligation – to their shareholders.


Raising the profile of rugby titles

mag-rugby.JPGWe are raising the profile of rugby titles in my newsagencies in the lead up to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand later this year.

With the event more or less being local and the traditional rivalry between Australia and New Zealand I’d expect strong interest.  To leverage this we have established a better home for rugby titles in pursuit of sales growth.


Promoting Men’s Health magazine

mag-mensh-jul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Men’s Health with this display on a pillar which is adjacent to the sales counter.

The new promotional poster is different, kind of left field, to what we see for a magazine so we wanted to give it prominence in-store.

Men’s Health is an excellent magazine to suggest to shoppers as a gift for a boyfriend, brother, dad or son. It is not something people would usually think of – I’ve had customers react well when I have suggested it to them.

I think that it is important we see magazines as something more than a purchase by a reader interested in the topic.  They do make good gifts, especially when people are cutting back on their spending.  A magazine gift is cost effective, personal and demonstrates thought by the giver.  So … we grab opportunities, like with Men’s Health to pitch certain titles as gifts.


HOT 100 Australian Property Investor issue hot

mag-property100.JPGThe latest issue of Australian Property Investor is another magazine selling well at the counter.  How can shoppers not notice the gold cover?  It is terrific to see them look at and pick up the title.  I’d urge newsagents to place this title at the counter – but make sure that there is clear space around it, so that it can be seen.  Too often displays at the newsagency counter fail because there are too many other displays offers and products at the counter pulling focus.


Considering switching banks

We have banked with the ANZ bank since the early 1980s. While it has served my businesses well, I do not feel that it respects or appreciates our business.

We recently paid off a funding arrangement just a few months early and they decided to not exercise discretion to waive a sizeable (thousands of dollars) early payment fee.

We deposit considerable funds every week through my businesses yet there is no respite to their various fees and changes.

A quick look around suggests that we may be able to do better. So, we are looking around at our banking options.

I noticed favourable newspaper coverage for the new (returning?) Bank of Melbourne earlier this week. The reports indicate that they are courting businesses with deals and offers.

We plan to thoroughly research our banking options and weighing up all associated costs in pursuit of a more economically viable banking relationship for my businesses.

I’d be interested to hear from anyone with what they consider to be a good and financially rewarding banking relationship.

Any loyalty I felt to the ANZ evaporated when they used their discretion to not waive a fee which I considered unreasonable.

newsagency marketing

Promoting the Baked & Delicious partwork

bakedand.JPGWe are promoting Baked & Delicious, the new partwork at the front of each of my newsagencies with displays which attract shoppers from the mall as well as shoppers who are inside the store.  This two step approach has worked well for us before with popular partworks.

First day sales were strong.  Once the TV campaign has hit its stride (during MasterChef)I am sure sales will spike.  This is a good quality part series hitting the market at the right time.

The key with a low cost title like this is to ensure that you have the right add-on products on offer nearby and between the displays and the counter to drive basket-building business, to offer a putaway order form and to promote it at the counter as the basket builder.

We have some customers purchasing two copies of part 1 – for extra cup cake moulds.

Here is the Melbourne TVC schedule for today (courtesy of Gordon and Gotch):

7TWO SD Melbourne Home and Away Tuesday 09:00-09:30 15 Y 1
GTV-9 Melbourne Kerri-Anne Tuesday 09:00-09:30 15 Y 1
7TWO SD Melbourne Shortland Street Tuesday 09:30-10:00 15 Y 1
GEM Melbourne Friends Tuesday 10:00-10:30 15 Y 1
ATV-10 Melbourne The Circle Tuesday 10:00-11:59 30 Y 1
GTV-9 Melbourne Nine Afternoon News Tuesday 17:00-17:30 30 Y 1
ATV-10 Melbourne Ncis: L.A. Tuesday 21:30-22:29 30 Y 1
GEM Melbourne The Closer Tuesday 21:30-22:30 30 Y 1

The first 30 second MasterChef spot is in Thursday.

In our case we are giving food titles a push.  It makes sense given that the TVC will generate new traffic from people interested in food titles.

Be sure to check out the amazing display done by newsXpress Ballarat.


Promoting Motor magazine

mag-motorjul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Motor magazine at the entrance to our men’s magazine aisle – with this simple yet highly visible in-location display.

I love the almost monochrome cover, it stands out against the sea of colour which fills magazine fixtures in newsagencies and other retail outlets.  This cover should see this issue more easily noticed and that is the first step to driving sales. Well done to the production people for the look of this issue.

Considering how a magazine cover will look on newsagency shelves is as important as designing the cover for how it will look when a reader has the title in their hands.  In fact, I’d say it is more important to for if you can;t have your cover leap out from the sea of colour then the battle is lost before it starts.


Promoting InStyle magazine and the premium gift

mag-instyle.JPGWe have been promoting the latest issue of InStyle in a premium location to make the most of the free gift of Napoleon mascara.  Being a brand name gift is important as shoppers recognise this as a value gift.  This is why it is important for us to show off the brand – to make the most of the gift opportunity.  Putting this title in regular magazine fixturing would be a wast of the premium gift.


Would you let your employees listen to their iPod while working?

I saw the best thing ever on the weekend: an employee of a shop which competes with one of my newsagencies, in the ink and toner space, working behind the counter with earbuds in.  Judging by his sway as he browsed the internet I’d say he was listening to his iPod.  He was the only employee on duty at the time.

At first I was shocked …  shoppers would be turned away, surely he would understand this. Then I was pleased … for the advantage it gave us – our team members don;t listen to their iPods while at work.

I have found myself thinking about what I saw several times in the day and a half since, thinking about how so many of us are plugged in through iPhones, iPads and iPods and other devices and how these devices interrupt transacting sales when our customers are using them.  It can be frustrating – to sales staff as well as to other customers.

Interacting with the devices while at work and from the business side of the counter is another thing altogether.  I see no place for this at all.  I’d be interested to hear what others think about this.

in the meantime I am happy for our competitor’s employee to disrespect shoppers by listening to music while behind the counter.

Customer Service

Trendsmap shows the hot Twitter topics

trendsmap.JPGClick on the image to see the trendsmap from Friday night showing that in AFL crazy Melbourne the Heath Shaw betting scandal story trumped every other topic.  Trendsmap is a real time mapping of local Twitter trends.  It provides an excellent, and fascinating, perspective of what is on the minds of Twitter users.  If you look closely you can see interest in carbon in the background.

Media disruption

Promoting running magazines

mag-run.JPGWe have been promoting running magazines because of the Run Melbourne event held over the weekend.  With The Age newspaper the major sponsor, the running event has been getting plenty of coverage.  So it made sense to me that the try and tap into this by promoting running titles.

I like to grab any opportunity possible to connect titles in by newsagency with a local event as this reinforces connection with a diverse range of activities and the range of titles we have in the newsagency.

Yes it is a challenge to be aware of events around which we can promote special interest titles.  It’s what we have to do if we want to call ourselves magazine specialists.  Just putting a broader range of magazines on the shelves than other retailers does not, of itself, make us magazine specialists.  We need to engage with the specialist range.


Diabetic Living sells out

Our tactical promotion of Diabetic Living at the counter paid off with the title selling out.  Most copies were purchased on impulse.  Who says you can’t grow magazine sales?  The question newsagents need to ask every day is: what am I doing today to encourage the impulse purchase of magazines?


Marketing tip: How to run a MY FAVOURITE MAGAZINE promotion

The range of magazines available in newsagencies is the one point of difference all newsagents in Australia share.  While there are other points of difference in individual newsagencies, magazine range is the one national point of difference.

Despite the challenges with the magazine distribution model, the migration of some print traffic to digital devices and other challenges around the print model I am confident that magazines will continue to play an important role in newsagency businesses for at least some years yet.  This is why I am always looking for and thinking about different ways to promote magazines in my newsagencies.

So, to my marketing tip for today, why not run a magazine focused shopper engagement promotion in your  newsagency…


I see this as a very simple yet engaging in-store promotion.  It is unlike anything you would or could see in any other magazine outlet.  It is too customer engaging and too local to be of interest to supermarket, petrol and convenience outlets.

No, this promotion is designed for people who think about the magazines, people who have a relationship with the titles they purchase.

The idea is to engage with your shoppers about the magazines they like and through this to attract more shoppers to engage.  The subtle narrative I would hope for from such a promotion is: what a wonderful range of magazine titles there is in this newsagency and what a passionate group of regular and local shoppers who love these titles.  That has to be the goal for the more shoppers who realise the range and who connect with a regular visit the better.

Here is how I see a MY FAVOURITE MAGAZINE promotion.

  1. Set aside a fixed time for the promotion: two weeks, a month.  You decide and stick to this period.
  2. Before you start, review your magazine department, make sure that the layout is fresh and easy to navigate.  Also make sure that each section is anchored around a good strong title for that niche. your magazine department needs to sparkle!
  3. Find a space near the front of the newsagency for a whiteboard or a wall of paper on which you can post customer entries / notes.
  4. Headline the promotion space: MY FAVOURITE MAGAZINE and note some simple rules like:  Tell us your favourite magazine and let others share your passion.  You could a $50 worth of current issue magazines of your choice. Get your most creative team member to make this space look professional.
  5. Work out your own prize package.  While I’d recommend it be free current issue magazines, you choose the value, the frequency of the prizes and how many.
  6. Create a A5 entry form where they write: the title of their favourite magazine, some notes about why it is their favourite magazine and their name.  On the back have them put their phone number for contact purposes – maybe an email address to build your email database.
  7. Kick off the promotion with entries from every employee and their family members.  I think that a white board or a wall with notes already will look more interesting.
  8. Let the local newspaper know.  It could be a photo opportunity for them.
  9. Get your team to hand entries to every shopper … drive engagement from the counter out. This is not something o do just once, do it through the week to engage with difference shoppers you see.
  10. Offer pens for shoppers to fill the entries in then and there at the counter.  Encourage this with your team.
  11. Send entry forms out with you customer accounts, with a note explaining the competition.
  12. Keep a running total of the top five magazines by popularity of entries.  maybe augment this with a list of the top five selling titles.  This is where a white board can help as you can change it daily – butcher’s paper is just as good.
  13. Encourage your team to hand out entry forms to browsers, yes even those who browse and never purchase. Who knows, getting out onto the shop floor and into the magazine department may lead to engagement which drives purchases.

That’s pretty much it.  As I said, this is a simple and local campaign designed to show off an important point of difference between your newsagency and other non-newsagency magazine outlets nearby.

I have not run this promotion as described.  It’s only something I have thought about in this format this week. I have run promotions where customers vote and others where we focus on top sellers in categories – but nothing like this where customer opinion and feedback for the magazine titles about which they are passionate is so vital.

If you try this marketing tip please share with us your experiences.  Also, let your magazine distributors and key publishers know.

Magazines are vitally important to the newsagency channel.  The value we harvest is up to us.  Local engagement around our point of difference is vital over the next couple of years.


Additional Harry Potter promotion

In the photo, to the right side of the entrance to the store, you can see the triangle display provided by the folks at the Herald Sun for promoting the launch of the Harry Potter collection series yesterday.


We reconfigured this side of the entrance to our store to accommodate the promotion.  It was worth it based on sales and shopper traffic.


Tapping into the Kung Fu Panda interest

kungfu-water.JPGWe have been enjoying good success with these Kung Fu panda books as part of our school holidays book sale.

Licenced product is especially successful at school holiday time.  It’s a safe purchase for parents.  Kids  shopping with their parents drag them to the display.

We configure our stores for school holidays to make the most of the opportunity of the extra and quite different traffic to what we see outside school holidays.  The results can be seen in the sales numbers.

Book retailing

Promoting the Free Harry Potter Collector Album

We have been promoting the free Harry Potter Collector Album which comes with the Herald Sun today this week with this display behind the counter.  It’s big, bold and generating plenty of comment.


You can’t miss this from inside or outside the newsagency.  We appreciate the help from the folks at the Herald Sun in organising this.  Talk about creating some retail theatre!

Yes, I know that I bang on here about the slim margin from newspaper sales.  I also write about and appreciate the traffic which newspapers generate for us.  They remain a very important product for newsagents, especially when you see promotions like that which starts today with the Herald Sun.


Understanding the real value of ink

hotink.JPGI have been actively promoting ink in my newsagencies since 2004 as regular readers here would know.  Today, ink accounts for 40% of stationery sales and continues to deliver excellent year on year sales growth.  This year has also seen excellent margin percentage growth.  These two points combined with the new traffic the ink flyers generate maake ink a financially rewarding category.

Underneath these top line numbers is another story about ink which is lost on some ignorant people who talk down the value ink can have on a newsagency.

Ink is an efficient category on several fronts.  Managed well, without much time investment, it can easily deliver a stock turn of between seven and ten times a year, more in some newsagencies.  It’s return on investment is considerably above most other departments in our stores.

But the measure which I really like is the sales efficiency, the frequency with which ink is in the shopping basket with more items.  Sometimes this is where ink is the add-on item.  More often, however, ink is the product which drew in the shopper and the other items are the cream.

I have two newsagencies with permanent ink refill and cheap generic ink cartridge competitors just a few metres away.  I prefer the shoppers who value brands as I see these shoppers as more likely to be loyal to their brand of choice and the retailers who support the brand than shoppers who prefer cheap, and often inferior, product.

Newsagency opportunities

Tapping into the Tour de France hype

tourde-water.JPGThe success of local boy Cadel Evans in this year’s Tour de France so far the interest in the program for the Tour has remained strong.  We went out early promoting this title in my newsagencies as this display from more than a week ago shows.  It has been good to be able to satisfy growing interest as coverage of the race has increased.  Imagine what sales of this and other Tour titles will be like if Cadel wins.

Topical issues of magazines are well worth additional promotion.  This is even more true for special interest titles where we get to show off our credentials as the magazine specialist retailer.

Around the interest i the Tour de France is the opportunity for us to drive sales of biking magazines.  This already strong segment is responding well to heightened interest – as always at this time of the year.


Cashing in on Lady Gaga

musicmags.JPGWe have been promoting music magazines and, in particular, Rolling Stone magazine toward the front of the newsagents, at our Ticketek counter.

The Lady Gaga cover shot on Rolling Stone works well at attracting people, especially since she has been in Australia this week.

Music magazines have been doing it tough so it is good to have someone current, popular and in the local news around whom to promote the category.  We ran this impulse purchase display at the front of the newsagency, facing into the shopping mall, for two weeks. We achieved incremental business in music titles as a result.


Farewell Gary Monks

Last night in Sydney at the Forrester Hotel in Surry Hills newsagency industry people gathered to farewell Gary Monks who retires today as CEO of NANA, the Newsagents Association of NSW & ACT.  Garry has served newsagents for twelve years.  He has done so with a tireless commitment to his newsagent constituency.  Gary has always been open, honest and fair.  I have tremendous respect for him.

I have known Gary for many years.  He is a true gentleman, authentic.. He served NANA through some turbulent times and has seen the organisation come out the other side and finish the latest financial year in excellent shape. Last night he received thanks and kudos for a job well done.

Farewell Gary … enjoy the next chapter of your life.

Newsagent representation

International magazine prices fall some more

It is good to see the price of more international magazines fall in the last couple of weeks.  While they have not dropped sufficiently to match the rise of the Australian dollar, the fall is welcome – by newsagents and shoppers.  It will be good for sales in newsagencies with a large range of international titles.

The $A price of many imported magazines does not make sense.  Someone must be making a killing somewhere.  It’s not the newsagent.

magazine distribution

The free MasterChef magazine giveaway continues

Further to my post yesterday about a free copy of the current issue of MasterChef magazine with The Australian being given away at Qantas gates at Brisbane airport on Wednesday, I saw the same at Melbourne airport when I flew to Sydney yesterday (Thursday) morning.  This is some mighty giveaway promotion from the folks at News Magazines.

Sure enough, inside the copy of the magazine was a subscription flyer offering a saving of 27% for a one year subscription.  Gee I wish they would engage with newsagents and offer a locked in deal to drive traffic to our stores for collection.
