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Month: August 2011

Promoting Real Living magazine

magsrealliv-aug11.JPGWe are promoting Real Living magazine with this in-location display as well as a billboard display. The in-location display will be up for the entire on-sale and the billboard display will be up for a week. Real Living recorded a sales lift in the last audit. This should encourage newsagents to promote the title.

These in-location displays work a treat for us in driving incremental business.  Indeed, they are my preferred magazine display given that the promote the usual location of the magazine and drive good sales – based on historic sales data.


The iPad and newsagents

The iPad and other tablet devices are impacting newsagency businesses in a number of ways operationally as well as at the sales counter.

In response to a comment here, here are my thoughts on the impact of the iPad and similar devices.

How the iPad can impact operationally on a newsagency:

  1. I know of newsagents who have been using their iPads as business tools since the device was first launched. They are using it for a number of purposes:
  2. To access the business from home or on the road and check sales and do back office work.
  3. To check inventory sales history from a supplier warehouse or a trade show floor.
  4. To use the iPad as an additional software access terminal without the need to purchase a full terminal.
  5. As a display device for newspaper delivery runs.

How the iPad is impacting on newsagency sales:

  1. More people are accessing news and information using mobile devices. This is leading to changes in how consumers access news and information and thereby changing the role of newspapers and magazines.
  2. More publishers are pursuing models whereby they nurture direct to consumer relationships through Apps.
  3. Some newspapers in the US have closed down their print editions in favour of and online only model. In Seattle, the publisher did this to the financial success of the business.
  4. Some magazine publishers have launched digital only titles.
  5. Many publishers are working on the reader experience to find magic which provides the reader with a better than paper experience.
  6. In books we are seeing booklets published for these devices, kind of novella in size and costing a few cents. This and other innovation is bringing more voices to the public arena.
  7. There is a move to freeing articles from mastheads, making them available for micro payments. Look at what happened when this move was achieved with music.
  8. I think that print sales will continue in slow decline. That said, I see opportunities with newspapers and magazines for proactive newsagents. This is why I will continue to champion the medium.

Ideally I would spend a couple of hours presenting about this at a conference or meeting, teasing out each of these and other points. The notes above are just some of the highlights. I hope they satisfy the interest of people here.

I’d love other newsagents to share here how they are using their iPad in their business.


How are you promoting Famous magazine?

Famous magazine had another good sales audit. Sales were up 2.2%. Sales of NW were down 13.14% in the same period.

I think that it’s reasonable for us to look at Famous and wonder what else we can do to boost the title. Clearly, it’s a favourite with shoppers. This makes it low hanging fruit in my view. So, what are you doing to grab your share of sales growth?

Co-location at the counter or with newspapers are two steps which you could easily take.

While there is also a reasonable case for us to push competitor NW (and we do), it’s easier to promote a title already enjoying growth.


Well done Australian Women’s Weekly

Kudos to Helen McCabe and the team at The Australian Women’s Weekly for their latest sales audit result.

To achieve a decline of only .4% in a market which recorded an overall decline of 5.3% is an excellent result.

It is challenging to change a product as well established and loved as The Australian Women’s Weekly. The sales numbers suggest that the editorial and publishing team are heading in the right direction.

They have made some non-traditional cover choices recently as part of their pursuit of younger readers.

Accounting for close to 500,000 copies sold per issue, we need AWW to be strong and healthy. This latest audit is a good sign.


Promoting Cycling magazines

mags-bikes.JPGWe are leveraging the continuing glow of the Cadel Evans win of the Tour de France with this co-location promotion of cycling titles at the sales counter.

Cadel’s visit to Melbourne late last week extended the interest in all things cycling from what my friends in bike shops tell me so it makes sense for newsagents to pitch cycling magazines at the counter to drive sales.

We will continue this support for cycling titles for a while – until it ceases to work for us in terms of incremental business.


Promoting The Block one-shot

We are promoting The Block one shot in each of my newsagencies.  The respective teams have done a terrific job – if I do say so myself.  They are using the title to leverage advertising and pull traffic and to drive impulse business with high impact as well as tactical displays.

mags-theblockw.JPGIn this terrific display, one of my stores is promoting The Block on the column facing into the shopping mall, leveraging excellent out of store traffic.  Click on the image for a larger version.  I love the additional visual merchandising materials they have employed (from the Reject Shop) to bring the display to life.

mags-theblockk2.JPGIn this display, in another of my stores, they have a main counter based display for The Block which they have kicked up with additional creative collateral created in-store to connect with the theme of the TV show (a block of homes) and the magazine.  Again, click on the image for a larger version.

Given that ACP is promoting that this title is available in newsagencies, I’d encourage all newsagents to get behind it.


Customer anger at bagged magazines

Just went into the newsagency and yelled at the girl. She had all the dolly mags in plastic, so i couldn’t see what btc poster was in there

This was posted on Twitter on Saturday.  I found the comment when searching tweets this morning with the word magazine in them.  It was timely finding this because of my post earlier this morning about our own Dolly display.

Dolly isn’t the only magazine which is bagged at present.  There are plenty including its direct competitor – Girlfriend magazine.

The tweet is good evidence for publishers that there are shoppers out there who do not like bagged magazines … and some of these shoppers will take it out on newsagents and their employees.

Just went into the newsagency and yelled at the girl. She had all the dolly mags in plastic, so i couldn’t see what btc poster was in there

yelled at the girl … this happens regularly to newsagency employees for things completely outside their control, like bagged magazines.

I understand why publishers bag magazines – in the case of the current issues of Dolly and Girlfriend it is to keep in a presentable package their premium offer.  Personally, I am not against this bagging.  However, it dies get in the way of the consumer experience.  This is what must be considered, especially given today’s retail climate.

Retailers want and need experiences which are unique to the physical retail situation.  This is why browsing is vitally important.  Bagged magazines are not browser friendly.

As for the Twitter user who posted the Tweet, I didn’t comment to them and I don’t intend to out them.  I suspect that criticism would get nowhere.


Featuring selected food titles

mag-foodfeature.JPGWe have been featuring this selection of food magazine titles facing the front of the store – seen by shoppers as they enter.  We have gone for half waterfalls of five titles to give them an opportunity to achieve an impact. Yes we have included MasterChef.  While I am frustrated with their rock bottom discounting of subscriptions, I am not going to cut myself out of sales.

This is a pretty simple display.  It took a couple of minutes to select the titles and create.  We know what we placed here so we can easily measure if the display generates the necessary sales. It’s the type of display, whether for food or some other category, which I think every newsagency should have every day.  It reinforces our point of difference.


Promoting Diabetic Living

mags-diabeticl.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Diabetic Living with this tactical placement next to newspapers in one of my newsagencies.  This high prrfile placement is deserved because of the free sachet of Carman’s porridge free with this issue of Diabetic Living.  It’s an excellent free gift – ideal for the target market.


Promoting Dolly magazine

mags-dolly-aug11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Dolly magazine with this display facing shoppers as they leave the women’s section of the newsagency.  It’s an attention grabbing display with nothing around it competing for attention.  The display has been up since this issue went on sale and have a few days left to run.  Click on the image for a larger version of the photo.


More promotion of New Idea Masterclass one shot

ni-impulse1.JPGWe have moved the impulse purchase stand promoting the New Idea Masterclass title to the women’s area of our newsagency.  We had it at the front of the store for a couple of weeks and now have it toward the back.  We ave a plan for another location next week.  By moving the stand around we get the title in front of different shoppers and create for ourselves more impulse purchase opportunities.

Leaving a stand like this in the one location for the entire period is a waste of time and money.


Productivity Commission calls on retailers to work smarter: here’s how newsagents can

Buried in the recent draft report, Economic Structure and Performance of the Australian Retail Industry, by the Productivity Commission is a call on retailers to improve productivity.

Newsagents can improve productivity and cut wages, cut waste, reduce theft and drive better business decisions.

Hang on, think about that last sentence. Don’t move on until you go back, read it again and think about how you would feel if you really did achieve these benefits in your newsagency.

Seriously. I mean it. Read the sentence again. Here it is…

Newsagents can improve productivity and cut wages, cut waste, reduce theft and drive better business decisions.

Too many newsagents do not have these as goals. Too often they blame others when they realise that they want and need the benefits embedded in the goals.

So, here are some productivity gain ideas and opportunities for newsagents:

  1. Cut magazine returns time. Take the returns out of the back office where it is a specialist function and move it to the front counter, being done every day by any employee. A newsagency with $500K a year in magazine sales should spend no more than two to three hours a week on magazine returns including counting, topping, bundling and dealing with distributors.
  2. Cut other labour intensive work. Stop manual reordering of stock. Use your computer system. In an average newsagency, going from manual reordering to computer based reordering usually saves between four and six man-hours a week. Eliminate all manual business performance reporting. Get rid of your manual roster – do it using the roster facilities in your software. Stop manually managing magazine putaways. There are plenty more ideas like these. Use integrated EFTPOS and save time on every sale.
  3. Cut waste. Reorder stock using your computer system (yes, this is a repeat idea) and find that you will have less stock which does not sell. Look at your sales by time and roster accordingly. The roster often has wasted hours. Look at product sales and quit what’s not working before it becomes a loss making boat anchor. If a rep says you need more of a product, check their claim with your business data, let your data guide your decision.Reps want to get stock to your store, they are often paid to achieve this.
  4. Cut theft. Use employee initials or a code for every sale. Balance your cash every day. Have a zero tolerance policy (I’ve written about this before here and elsewhere). Do spot stock takes. Use the theft management tools in your software. Use stock control throughout but especially on cigarettes, greeting cards, ink, phone cards and other highly negotiable items.  A newsagency without professional theft management processes should be able to increase net profit by as much as 10% in the first year.
  5. Make better business decisions. Make more fact based decisions based on accurate business data. Stop gut feel decisions. Your business data can guide you to more profit than how you feel at any time. Stop using department keys to record sales – scan everything. No excuses, scan everything. Build better data and use this to improve your business.

I know of a newsagent who has just successfully cut $34,000 from their annual wages bill by switching software systems (yes, to my Tower Systems) and implementing our time focused approach to magazine management. There are plenty of other examples like this one.

I am confident that every newsagency business in Australia can improve productivity. Yes, it’s a challenge. The benefits are substantial: reduced wages, reduced waste, reduced theft and better quality and more valuable business decisions.

Imagine how powerful our newsagency channel would be if we all did these simple things. I do. I imagine a strong, growing and productive newsagency channel leading small business retailers and powering ahead against the reports of tough times.

We can do this. We can improve productivity – individually and as a channel. We have the tools. All we need is the will.

I have been sharing specific advice with newsagents using the Tower Systems newsagency software – I have written a 2,300 article with specific business building tips and I share this with newsagents who ask.  Email me at mark@towersystems.com.au if you would like a copy.

As I noted earlier, these are some ideas. Share yours with your fellow newsagents.

marketing tip

Internet cafe in a supermarket – go figure

cairnsww1.JPGI was up in Cairns this morning and noticed this internet cafe in the front corner of a Woolworths supermarket.  To me, this indicates how resourceful the supermarket giant is in chasing revenue.  It’s a Global Gossip store within a store.  I found this interesting because an internet cafe is not something you’d usually see a major supermarket group take on, even in a major tourist destination – unless they can make money out of it.  That they have an internet cafe in a supermarket in cairns says something about the flexibility of Woolworths with their model.  It is a reminder of their relentless pursuit of revenue.

Looking at the internet cafe inside the walls of Woolworths reminded me  that we need to go where the money is and that we need to be commercially flexible with our model.

Just because much of what we sell today is low and fixed margin does not mean we need to stick with.

We need to be as commercially opportunistic with our businesses as Woolworths is with theirs.

Newsagency challenges

Good August sales numbers already

We are seeing some excellent sales numbers for August. Card revenue is up, so are sales of gifts, magazines, stationery and ink. It kind of makes me question all the doom and gloom people talk about.

We are making our own success through a number of campaigns driving traffic and some excellent in-store promotions running to drive not only traffic from the mall but also incremental business from shoppers in-store.

For magazines, for example, we are doing a lot of work around categories of titles, categories such as food, men’s, music and wedding.  This category wide work helps drive the purchase of multiple titles in the one sale. This, coupled with our successful loyalty card, is driving a good magazine outcome for us.  We are obsessive and opportunistic about magazines, taking every chance we can to sell a copy.

Being average will produce average results.

We are not running sales, no we refuse to get sucked into that game. Instead we are looking for ways to offer value and to leverage our customer service point of difference. Doing these things and using excellent traffic freeways to build a deeper basket works. Yes, it’s hard work. But it pays off.

Newsagency challenges

$12,000 in excess magazine stock found

A newsagent who had not early returned, who had left the magazine distributors to manage their supply, discovered more than $12,000 in cash tied up in gross magazine oversupply.  These were mainly titles supplied which never sold.  This was a terrific discovery as it provided evidence on how magazine distributors behave when left in control of supply.  Well, they misbehave.  $12,000 worth of stock was removed for early return based on conservative guidance.  Had the culling been in line with what I would recommend, this store would have early returned closer to $16,000 in magazine stock.

For years magazine distributors have been great with words and weak on action.  We continue to pay the price.

magazine distribution

Promoting the Symply Too Good cookbooks

symply.JPGWe have been promoting Annette Sym’s range of Symply Too Good To Be True healthy cookbooks with this behind the counter display.  We have put this up to support the cross promoting in upcoming issues of Take 5 magazine.  Our team has done a terrific job in showcasing the range – we know from our sales data across a number of newsagencies that Symply Too Good customers usually purchase two or more titles at once.

I’d encourage all newsagents to promote the range – to leverage the Take 5 promotion and drive sales because these things just sell.


New magazine: Smith Journal, an opportunity for newsagents

smith_journal_samplecover.jpgMorrison Media, the publisher of frankie and a bunch of other good magazine titles, is launching Smith Journal on September 5.  This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a title chasing a neglected space.  This is a magazine for discerning gents and girls who like reading about discerning gents as the publisher says.

Given the extraordinary success of frankie, I’d expect this new title to do well sicne it looks to be chasing a similar shopper who is passionate about the title and what it covers.

Click on the image to see a larger version of the cover.  Here are some other facts from the publisher about the new title:

  * GGA TITLE CODE: 14612
* CATEGORY: Special Interest, Lifestyle, Fashion, Current Affairs, Photography
* Launch issue – 5th September
* Newsagents who stock the publication will be promoted in the smith journal website (store locator) to maximise sales/sell outs.
* 20,000 copies printed (limited supply)
* Cover Price: $11.95
* POS:A2 Posters will be supplied to every outlet
o Full page advertisement in frankie #43
o A backing card will be supplied to outlets who sell frankie. It will be created to put behind the frankie publication.
o Online and print promotion through selected media outlets.
* On Sale for three months (with limited floor stock available)
* One summer and one winter issue annually
* Distributed through newsagents, selected boutique shops and our online store.

I plan to make sure that I have plenty of stock allocated for this title, to make the most of the launch opportunity.


Leveraging Smurf nostalgia

smurf-collectible.JPGWe have been having good success with leveraging renewed interest in all things Smurfs in one of my newsagencies over recent weeks.  We have the original products as well as the new products from the new Smurfs movie.  This helps us sell to two generations – with good success.  Leveraging the tremendous investment in a worldwide brand is a good move for retailers.  This is one reason we hopped on the Smurf bandwagon.  People walk in and get the brand and the product.  Selling generic or cheap China product does not have this benefit.

Selling a worldwide brand collectible also works in terms of what shoppers buy – selling two and three Smurf items in a sale proves the value.


Arousing newsagency sales

gift-viagra.JPGCheck out this fun products.  It’s a stress ball shaped and packaged to look like an over-sized Viagra tablet.  It’s a bit of fun and shoppers see it as this,  a good laugh.  Surprisingly, it works as impulse item.  It is something unexpected to find in a newsagency.  Having fun products on the shop floor brings fun to the business and helps customers leave with a smile (no pun intended).


Newsagents to be promoted in ACP TV commercials

connections2011.JPGI was at the Connections with ACP conference in Sydney yesterday (along with several hundred newsagents) and the terrific Awards dinner (Havana theme) last night.  A highlight of the conference was an announcement by ACP that they will be promoting newsagents in their TV commercials for magazines.  This is excellent news as it reminds consumers that our channel is a key go to place for magazines.  The more suppliers who tag their advertising as available in newsagents the better.

The conference itself provided an excellent mix of practical business building sessions as well as insights into how other retailers and businesses are addressing changed business conditions.

While there was discussion among newsagents about tough retail conditions, most I spoke with were upbeat about the future and the opportunities presented through change.  A common theme from ACP was that they want to partner more actively and cooperatively with newsagents through these opportunities.


The Age newspaper for 70% off

agedeal.jpgDesperate times, as they say, call for desperate measures.  Fairfax, the publisher of The Age newspaper, has engaged with the livingsocial deals site to offer twenty weeks of The Age on Saturday and Sunday for just $29.  that’s a 70% discount.  This is nuts – a premium home delivery service for a fraction of the over the counter price.  Talk about undercutting the retail channel and devaluing the premium home delivery service.

As of this morning, 1,268 people have signed up for this deal.

What happened to The Age being a quality product.  Discounting it by 70% makes the purchase about price more than content.  And what about the premium home delivery service.  At $29 for twenty weeks this is loss making for the publisher, and some distribution newsagents I suspect.

This feels to me like a desperate move. It’s disappointing to see.

newspaper home delivery

Newsagents: your magazine sales to hairdressers are at risk

ipg.jpgI was disappointed to see this fax sent to hairdresser recently, offering current issues of some Australian magazines free of charge on a trial basis.  After the free trial, hair salons are offered the titles at what appears to be a 90% discount.  Click on the image to see the detail of an offer sent to one hair salon last week.  The offer is being made by International Publishing Group.

For years in my own newsagencies, hair salons have been valued and valuable customers.  Not sub agents, but full price customers which we service with our Magazine Club Card, in-store accounts and other benefits.  In one of my newsagencies, one hair salon accounts for at least $400 in magazine sales a month.  Add to that around $600 in other business (stationery, lotteries etc) and you can see the sales at risk.

I can’t compete with this 90% discount. If one of my salons was offered this I am certain they would take it. This could cut their visits to my newsagency.  Magazines are vital glue, our range and the account are a real  point of difference.  Without magazines they could purchase their other items elsewhere.

I was shocked to discover this promotion and that it is being offered without in-advance discussion with newsagents.  I plan to discretely inquire as to if this offer has been made to salons I deal with and if so I will try and ensure that the offer is not available to them.

Newsagencies are finely balanced businesses made up of many parts which rely on each other to make the whole successful.  Even a small move like this could have considerable implications.  We need to resist every move which chips away at our business.

This magazine move, on top of recent newspaper moves which compete with our over the counter sales, challenge how consumers view and interact with our businesses.  We need to fight for our position.

magazine distribution

Art of Knitting set for relaunch

uk-part-1.jpgArt of Knitting, one of the most successful partworks we have seen in the last ten years, is set to relaunch.  Click here to see the briefing document.

A TV advertising campaign starts on August 17 and will run for ten days.  The goal of the TV campaign is to reach 70% of target audience six times.

Stock is in-store from August 15. The 2nd issue will go on-sale on the 31st August with then a weekly frequency. Price for launch and subsequent issues are: Part 1: $2.95, Part 2: $4.95, Part 3 + $7.95

Allocations have based on the first time the series was launched in 2007.  The Gotch allocations team has also used Art Of Crochet launch in 2010 as a more up to date profile in the target market. Part 1 bulks are in 20’s but allocations are not rounded to bulks so there will be key parcels as well.

Newsagents will be able to re-order stock from launch via the normal channels.

The image is of part 1 (with UK pricing). Click on this for a larger version.  Click here to see what I said about Art of Knitting the first time it hit our shelves.


JB Hi-Fi story a boost for retailers

Retailers, newsagents especially, should read the report about JB Hi-Fi in the Australian Financial Review on Monday (pages 1 and 14). While our businesses are quite different to JB, there is relevance in their approach to the rough economic and retail conditions.

Newsagencies are diverse businesses and not enough of us are leveraging our diversity to power forward in the current climate. If we make each of our key product categories pop them we are better positioned. This is kind of what JB has done, not so much in categories but in how they win customers.

I also like the JB focus on the cost of doing business. They have done this by working on all operating costs from leases to wages to infrastructure.

Newsagency management

IPS update for newsagents

Late yesterday, new magazine distributor IPS issued an update for newsagents.  The update includes news of additional resources for customer service and other information.

I’ve signed up for an account with IPS.  While they have had teething problems and have not been helped by XchangeIT as they should have been, I (and several magazine publishers) feel that we need their model to bring more competition to magazine distribution.

magazine distribution