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More newsagents should support Hello May magazine

The publisher of Hello May magazine has reached out seeking support from newsagents for their unique wedding title. Hello May is a magazine serving a niche in the wedding space that can work well for newsagents considering the wedding related products we sell. Their local vendor support is a message that we know resonates with newsagency shoppers.

Here’s what the publisher wrote today:

Soph here from Hello May.

Just wanted to let you know issue three of Hello May mag hit the newsstands today! I hope you got it in!

The attached flyer should of gone out to all of our stockists today, gosh knows if anyone reads it though, so I was wondering if you were able to help me communicate this message with newsagents through your blog?

Essentially we have offered to keep the mag off our online store for the first 2 whole weeks of on sale in an effort to drive traffic into local newsagents. Hello May is all about supporting the small local vendors in the wedding industry and i believe this small business support should extend to newsagents.

We launched our stockists list on the site today too in an effort to help our readers find local newsagents. Although its super disheartening, after only half a day on sale, to have sooooo many readers email us and say they have been to one, two, three, four (one girl even went to six) stockists on the list only to have the newsagents say they have “never heard of the mag” or “don’t have it in” when i know full well each and every newsagents on that stockists list has been sent the mag AND received the attached PDF.


Im at a loss with how else to communicate with newsagents that we are here to support them too, but it goes both ways.

Click here for the info on Hello May Issue 3.


Join the discussion

  1. Jessie

    Hi Soph,
    I was so excited to read the latest issue and we have displayed your mag in the most prominent pockets in our wedding section over 3 pockets, and I can only second your request for newsagents to support your title because it is fantastic and deserves to be treated well. We have all spoken about the success of frankie mag and I feel that on a whole hello may has a similar appeal.

    On a sadder note, I did not receive the information page or any posters with my mags today, I have just received new wedding stationary and gifts and was hoping to do another window display with the posters before I lock in the Chrissie display.

    Anyway love the mag and will always support a publisher who supports newsagents.



  2. Sophie

    Thanks so much Jessie. We appreciate your support. I will follow up with G&G about the PDF that was sent out to everyone on our stockists list today and Im sorry to hear you did not get any posters. Please drop me a line at info@hellomay.com.au and I will pop some in the post for you! I also welcome photos of displays which I am happy to post on our social media to further direct traffic to your stores xo


  3. Mark Fletcher

    Sophie thanks for engaging here. Proactive newsagents will embrace the opportunity of working directly with you.


  4. Jenny

    Lovely magazine, will call for some posters .
    Note 4th attempt at code!


  5. Hello May

    Hi Jenny, sorry you will have to educate me a little, what do you mean by “4th attempt at code”?

    Please drop me a line at info@hellomay.com.au with POSTERS in the subject line and I will get some to you today. I know G&G only received a limited amount for top selling 1500.

    thanks for your support, I appreciate it


  6. Mark Fletcher

    Sophie they are referring to the Captcha code they have to enter to make a comment here. We increased security last week for blog comments to combat spam and, yes, it’s a bit harder.


  7. Steve

    Just checked out the website and was impressed with the level of support given to newsagents.
    On the issue of newsagents saying they haven’t got the magazine when their on the list, I’d like to point out that there’s more to Australia than east coast capital cities and large chunk’s of the country wont see this title till Monday 11/11/13.


  8. May First

    Love the mag, encourage all newsagents to support it.


  9. Sophie

    Hi Steve!

    Thanks for your reply. I actually only just found out about this delay to WA and VIC at 10am this morning from G&G. Needless to say I was very disappointed. Especially as we had lined up such heavy promotion in both states for the NOV 7 on sale.

    We go to great effort to feature editorial content and advertisers from around Australia and are always conscious that the mag never be skewed too “east coast centric”!

    You will find some great content in #03 from West Australian and Victorian vendors as well as SA, NSW and QLD I can promise you that ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. Brendan

    Sophie, We have only ever received issue 2. Received 4 and sold 2 so we would certainly want it on our shelves. Gotch have us down for 3 copies but none have arrived or been charged to us


  11. Sophie

    Hi Brendan! thank you for your reply!

    Are you in WA or VIC? I just found out at 10am this morning there was a delay with trucks (which I’m still trying to get to the bottom of) Alas it means copies won’t make it to these states until Monday Nov 11 I am told.

    Again we welcome photos being emailed to us of the mag on your shelves, even issue two as back issue sales are very strong with us, we share these shots on our instagram with your store location and our readers really respond!

    If you are not in VIC or WA please let me know and I will follow up copies for you! ๐Ÿ™‚


  12. Steve

    A truck delay? Due to the 2-3 day’s trucking to the west we receive a lot of on-sale Thursday titles on Monday’s and thats what I’d assumed was the case here. Invoices are generated several days ahead and a NOV07 invoice for Hello May never appeared,nor was there notification of a truck delay, so if it was a truck delay they knew about it days in advance.My gut feeling-and I may be wrong-is that G&G always had this down for a Monday delivery to WA. The change from Friday to Thursday delivery for a lot of titles also makes the logistics of getting it here on time harder.


  13. Hello May

    Thats all I was told steve. I am following up but believe me there were tears, haha!

    I hope you have some copies making there way to you now. We have lots of eager WA readers champing at the bit for a copy of #03

    thanks again for your time and support


  14. allan wickham

    Just checked the stockists page……looks like I`m the only Newsagent in Hervey Bay that doesnt receive it (6 other agents do). Could you organise a couple of copies for me Sophie?

    I`m at newsXpress Eli Waters Hervey Bay QLD 4655



  15. Sophie

    Hi Allan,

    thanks so much for your comment.

    I have emailed G&G now and request they sand you copies asap.

    please drop me a line with NEWSAGENT in the subject line if you have any trouble receiving stock.

    Thanks so much for your interest in http://www.hellomay.com.au and to everyone else who has taken the time to comment! I look fwd to working with you all as Hello May grows!


  16. Allan Wickham

    Thanks Sophie, it’s pretty easy really to support a Publisher who supports Newsagents….!


  17. Sophie

    haha! thanks Allan! Publisher sounds so funny to me, i think of my old bosses at ACP, Pac pubs and Bauer ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello May is owned and run by just me out of the spare bedroom/home office, of an evening (I still work full time) haha!

    thanks again!


  18. Brendan

    Hi Sophie,

    I’m in Victoria, caught up on the delivery situation after I posted. Truck delays for both Vic & WA? Sounds dubious to me.


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